Dorico SE 5 : essential component for playback not found

Hello, I am contacting you because after installing Dorico SE 5, I get the following message:

An essential component used by Dorico for playback has not been found.
Please run the Steinberg Download Assistant and install the following:
HALion Sonic SE 3 - Content
Indian Drum Basics

I should point out that I have Cubase Pro 10.5 and my libraries are in the ProgramData/Steinberg/Content/ folder. Cubase Pro 10.5 and Dorico SE 5 are the only Steinberg products I installed on my new PC.

I have tried so many things:

  • I have read the messages on this forum related to this problem without finding a solution adapted to my situation.
  • I have reinstalled Dorico 5 SE 3 times, changing the download directory (Admin account and User account). I also noticed that when I uninstalled Dorico Cubase no longer worked, probably because necessary files had been uninstalled, which forced me to uninstall and reinstall Cubase Pro 10.5.
  • I installed HALion SE 3 from a download page, which is a bit absurd because Dorico 5 SE installs HALion 7. But I did it. And I found that this additional installation did not change the problem.

Here is the Dorico Diagnostics file:
Dorico (361,2 Ko)

Thank you for your help.

I’ve received this message before and it worked to ignore it. It is odd though.

Thanks for your answer.

In my case, it doesn’t work. If I try to play a score with HALion, I don’t hear any sound.

And if I try to use VST instruments (VSL Synchron Prime Edition or VILabs Modern D), the player (Vienna Synchron Player or UVI Workstation) fails to launch. Is it because it’s the free edition Dorico SE ? I don’t know.

Have you downloaded the *content’ file? That’s what’s missing!
Halion SE is a sample player only.
Halion 7 is a sampler, and have a lot of additional features and content.

Hi @Composing , welcome to the forum.

it looks like you did not install the HALion Sonic Selection - Content.
If you go to the Steinberg Download Assistant, how does it look like with you?

If installed it should show the green field and the Install again button like here with me:

Thank you for your answers, Buer and Ulf.

I downloaded everything in the Steinberg Download Assistant except the version history:

If you run Steinberg Library Manager, do you see HALion Sonic Factory Content appear in the list? If you click Details on the right-hand side, do you see any warnings about files missing or similar?

Thank you for your reply, dspreadbury.

No warning about HALion Sonic Factory Content in the Steinberg Library Manager:

I guess it must be a permissions problem. Can you check that the C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\ folder and all its subfolders are readable by all users/processes?

  • Open File Explorer and navigate to C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\.
  • Right-click the folder and select Properties.
  • In the Properties window, click on the Security tab.
  • Under the Group or user names section, select a user or group to view their permissions in the Permissions for [Name] box. Common groups include: Everyone (applies to all users and processes), Users (applies to standard users), Administrators (applies to administrators only).
  • To ensure readability by all users, click Edit; in the Permissions window, click Add; type Everyone (or choose the desired group/user).
  • Check Allow next to the “Read & execute,” “List folder contents,” and “Read” permissions.
  • Click OK to save changes.
  • To apply changes to the subfolders of the Content folder, click Advanced in the Security tab. In the Advanced Security Settings, click Enable inheritance (if not already enabled).
  • Ensure that the permissions are set to apply to “This folder, subfolders, and files.”

I hope those steps are correct – I’m a Mac user, so I’m no longer super familiar with that aspect of Windows.

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Thank you.

The steps are correct. I didn’t change anything, because everything already seemed OK as you can check. I am logged in to a user account, without admin rights.

Then I’m afraid I’ve run out of ideas. But I suspect @Ulf will ride to our rescue, as he has dealt with many similar cases in the past.

Hi @Composing , from the screenshots it looks okay, but please do the following to check once more.
Open a command shell (cmd.exe) and copy and paste the line

icacls C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\*.* /T >> %userprofile%\Desktop\SMTGContentsAccess.txt

Hit the return key and after a couple of seconds on your Desktop the new file SMTGContentsAccess.txt shall appear. That file please post here. Thanks

Thank you for your help.

The line with %userprofile% was not working (Error message: DirectoryNotFoundException), so I replaced %userprofile% by C:\Users\Name-of-my-user-account and it worked.

Here is the file : (7,5 Ko)

Sorry, the file is in french and changing Windows language does not change the result. Here are the main translations:
Créateur Propriétaire: Creator Owner
Administrateurs: Administrators
Utilisateurs: Users

Thanks for the data and that you could fix the command line yourself.
When looking at the output I see most of the files have appropriate access rights that is e.g.
AUTORITE NT\Système:(I)(F)

Builtin\Utilisateurs is here decisive and that the RX flag is set.
But there are also quite some files with only


Here the Builtin\Utilisateur is missing completely so no standard user will be able to access those files.

What needs to be done? Adjust the access right. How to do that?

  • open a Command window but run it in administrator mode (press the Windows key and start typing cmd.exe. Do a right click on the found item and from the pop-up choose Run as administrator.

  • copy and paste the command

     icacls C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content /grant *S-1-5-32-545:RX /T
  • and hit the return/enter key.

  • Then restart Dorico and see how that goes.

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Thank you very much, it worked.

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