eLicenser dying but will we ever get BasicFX Suite in Steinberg Licensing

When you buy a UR interface, you not only get the DSP FX, but also a license, which I have in my USB licenser, for the Basic FX Suite.
These are great. I’d say better than most famous effects in many cases.
I really want to keep using them even when I don’t have my interface connected, and without the USB dongle.

Will this ever be addressed?
The most famous topic is here

But that says “You can still use the DSP”. But no, that’s not enough.
I was given a license for the VSTs with my purchase and we should have the right to upgrade it to the new licensing system.

Thank you.

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Hi, as stated in this topic:

There are plans to migrate both the Basic FX Suite and Advanced FX Suite to the new Steinberg Licensing system.

For any further discussion, please post in the topic above.