I’m thinking of becoming a new Dorico user. Is there a way to find out if my MIDI gear is compatible with Dorico SE & Dorico Pro? My gear is on the older side.
I’m thinking of becoming a new Dorico user. Is there a way to find out if my MIDI gear is compatible with Dorico SE & Dorico Pro? My gear is on the older side.
Welcoem to the forum. What MIDI equipment do you have? I’d imagine it will be compatible…
Wow that was a fast reply! Thanks.
I’m using a MacBook Pro 2019 with a Yamaha P-250 keyboard and a MIDIMan MIDISport 2x2 USB interface. I’ve been using Finale and it works but there are some strange behaviors.
Woah, MIDIMan…
MIDI compatibility isn’t generally a problem, but that’s not an official answer.
I said it’s on the older side.
I’m more concerned about the keyboard. It’s hard to explain but right now some commands get sent to it from Finale and the display goes blank and sound is interrupted. I’m hoping Dorico knows how to talk to it correctly.
I don’t know that you’ll get a definitive answer. I haven’t heard of a MIDI device that hasn’t worked with Dorico, but hopefully one of the team (or another user with experience) can chime in.
As far as I know, if it is compatible with your machine then it will be compatible with Dorico.
The easy way to check is to open Dorico and navigate to Preferences > Play > MIDI Input Devices and check if your product is listed and checked there.
Then, open a project and play some notes. If Dorico is receiving MIDI signals, a little green dot will blink down the bottom-right of the window in the MIDI Activity Monitor.
Also, have you tried the fully-functional trial version of Dorico? It’s free and easy to check for things like this without spending money.
+1 for this – The OS handles the interfacing with MIDI devices, so if it works in other applications then it should be fine in Dorico.
(Which, on the other hand, means that if you have some troubles with it in Finale, there might probably be some troubles with Dorico, too.)
I sometimes use the 4x4 and there are no problems.
There was a known issue with Finale and Yamaha keyboards, I seem to remember.
It was a problem at the Finale end, so should not affect anything. You can always test with Garageband; Logic, or anything other MIDI-receiving app.
Thanks, everyone, for your input! That helps me a lot. I’m going to give the SE version a try and see. (When I find the time. haha)
Why not download the 60-day free trial version to get a better picture of what the Finale offer will entail?
Hi, just reading about the keyboard compatibility with older keyboards. I have an OLDER one, a Korg from 1997, one with the floppy drive, lol. I do not see it listed in the black box where the usb midi heading is. It worked with the Finale system, when I tried using it a few years ago. As I was looking for an app that allowed me to play the keyboard and record EXACTLY the way I played it, but it only records in what ever note was selected for all of them, not in the durations I played, lol. I know asking for a lot. So…I am assuming my keyboard is a bit out of date??? Sincerely, Scott
Based on the information so far, I would expect it to work actually which Korg? And if you have a ms-20 somewhere I’ll take it, even though that one wooould be a little different.
Welcome, @pommbini .
Can you tell us more about your setup? Is there are MIDI interface (DIN to USB?) Are you on Mac or PC?
If your keyboard works for Finale, then it’s not a system problem. You’ll need to check Dorico Preferences.
I still use an original Yamaha DX7 for MIDI input with no problems, so Dorico has no problems with old synths per se.
Oh, I had an original DX7 that I bought in Hong Kong just when it arrived in the shop from Japan in 83-84. I sold it later which I regret enormously.
I use on my Macs the little free app MIDI Monitor (there are also other apps for sure)
This is very useful to see if, for example, old/possibly-defect MIDI gear send unwanted MIDI signals to the computer (like a faulty pitch bend or similar …).
And: with old keyboards that use MIDI via USB, the problem are mostly the drivers that are not being updated for actual OS (for example my Roland G-70 ). But they have, mostly, also a MIDI out that should work without problems.
I sold my Korg M1 in 2012. Sometimes I wish I still had it, but then I wonder where I would put it.