Essential component for playback has not been found.

Oops, cut and paste error. The mac has Cubase Artist 12 installed - and it has run sweetly for many months.

Hi @Jeff_Reid1 , and indeed, you are missing at least the soundfiles for the piano. You said you already did it several times before, but please try once more.
So open the Steinberg Download Assistant, go to the Dorico section, choose Dorico 5 Elements and install again the package "HALion Sonic Selection - Content (recommended). After that try again with the piano project. If still a problem please post another diagnostics, please. Thank you very much

Hi Ulf. Thanks for your speedy reply!
Well… mixed results. I did as you said, first reinstalling the content package. Running Drico afterwards I got the same warning as it loaded that content was missing.
Then I created a new solo piano project using the standard create template, and initially got no sound again. Diagnostics attached.

Dorico (496.9 KB)
I then opened up the Halion Sonic window for the piano and found no instrument was loaded. If I chose the sonic selection in the media bay I found the general midi instruments seem to be available but there’s a lot of others with red and white symbols. I assume that means they are missing. (I’ll attach a screen shot).

If I choose one of those without the read symbols I gat sound - but choosing one with a red symbols simply gives me the last successful instrument that was loaded.

Yes, the red signs show that either you have a file access right problem or the files did not get registered properly.
What if you start the Steinberg Library Manager? For the Sonic Selection package, what does it show as installation path?

Sorry for the delay needed for sleep - I’m in NZ and I assumes you are not!
Here’s a screen shot. I hope you read the paths, Seems to be under library/application support/steinberg cntent/HALionVST Sound/

Hi @Jeff_Reid1 , sure, I’m on the other side of the globe, in Hamburg.

Thanks for the screenshot, so yes, the files are all in the right location. Next thing I’d do is, navigate to those paths and check that your account has at least read access there. If you have, then navigate to /Users/yourName/Library/Preferences/Dorico 5 AudioEngine/ and delete the files mediabay3.db and the two files with the *.bin ending.
When you then restart Dorico again…does all the contents get recognized?

Hi Ulf,
The account does have access to the paths that the VST files are saved.
When I looked at the folder …/Library/Preferences/Dorico Audio Engine/ there are only .xml files, none with the .db or .bin extensions (screenshot attached)

However, I suspect the files you mentioned are in the folder Steinberg MediaBay Server (see screenshot)., I’m lathe to delete those until you recommend it!

Excuse my typing please “loathe to” not “lathe to”!!. i.e. I wont deleter them unless you say so

Hi @Jeff_Reid1 , yes very good, you are right, the location you mention is right. And instead of deleting those individual files, you can delete the whole folder Steinberg MediaBay Server (or alternatively rename the existing folder to something else) . On the next Dorico run the folder will get recreated and filled with new scanning results of the MediaBay.
Sorry for the little confusion.

Well I’ve done that but still as Dorico is starting it says the content is missing. So right now I’ve deleted the folder again and have begun a reinstall of HALion Sonic Se;ection - Content using the Download Assistant. More news later I hope.

Hi Ulf, It failed again… In fact it proved very difficult to get it to play, even silently. Here is the diagnostic report
Dorico (504.5 KB)

Hi @Jeff_Reid1 , sorry about all the hassle, but eventually we’ll get it, no worries.

Now, please navigate to /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Content
From here you navigate to each subfolder and subsubfolder. And everywhere double click on any one vstsoundfile in the current folder, that will launch the Library Manager and register the sound files of the current folder with it. Is it clear my instruction? Please ask if not.
The Library Manager might even say there was nothing to be done, but still continue through all subfolders.

If you then launch Dorico again…?

For the case it still does not do, I’d propose something little more radical, but for that I first want to know, if you own some other Steinberg licenses than just Dorico.

Sadly, all those VST registrations have made no difference. I have other Steinberg products/licences. I’ve attached details of those used on this mac-mini. There are some others that I used on another computer with a USB licenser, but never on this mac mini.

Hooray! A puzzling problem… that took 3 screen sharing sessions, but all sorted now . Many thanks to Ulf and Jan for their support getting this fixed.

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Was there some sort of answer that sorted it all out, and that you could share here? Or was this problem too specific to your setup?

Think we need Ulf and Jan to explain how they think it was fixed! Did seem to be a peculiarity to mac - or at least my minimac running Ventura. I will message Ulf and see if he can explain the sequence of changes we had. The guts of the problem was that Halion SE was not getting access to all the VST instruments that it should - including many fairly standard ones, and that was precipitating the error messages when loading Dorico. We were able to simplify the search for solutions by running Halion and seeing if its list of VST instruments was complete.

Unfortunately, there was nothing like a simple recipe, but to be honestly, it was a fiddling around here and there until it final worked. It would be so nice to have a simple recipe, but that has not crystallized, yet. Maybe after a few more remote sessions like we had with Jeff, this will slowly evolve. At least I hope so, because I also don’t want to spend so much time on remote support, but rather work on new features.


11 posts were split to a new topic: Content missing after installing Dorico 5

I’m having the same issues as well, and none of these solutions have been working for me :(. I have the VST flies installed, but I can’t check whether or not they have “access” (I’m on Windows and I’m not very tech savvy), and I still get the error code: Essential Component.

@jacksonhollo2, please do Help > Create Diagnostic Report and attach the resulting zip file here so we can take a look.