Essential Update Price

For some reason updating from 3.5 or lower is 50% off, but updating from 4.0 doesn’t warrant a discount. Dose anybody know why?.
Updating from 4.0 should be cheaper than updating from 3.5. Or am I missing something?.

Welcome to the forum, Jesper. We are trying to encourage users running Dorico 3.5 and earlier to move up to Dorico 5 because we are planning to discontinue the eLicenser service early next year. Once the eLicenser service has been shut down, it will no longer be possible for these customers to update their licenses (as the update process requires the eLicenser servers to be available).

We have done our best to target only these users with this promotion, and are not publicising it beyond the emails we have sent to them. I’d be interested to know if you received an email about it, but have Dorico 4, as we would ideally not have contacted you.

We have already offered the Dorico 5 update from Dorico 4 at a discount over the Christmas/New Year period, and although I cannot share any actual dates at the moment, I am sure that there will be an opportunity to buy an update at a discounted price later in the year. But Dorico 4 users are already using Steinberg Licensing, so there is less urgency for you to update: your update does not depend on the eLicenser service being available.

For more information about the eLicenser shutdown, see here:


Makes sense. Thank you.

Where did you find this promotion?
In the public site I see this:
from D4, and this:

from Previous versions…

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Thanks @Martin90, I didn’t look at the coupon!

I’ve been out of the office for a couple of days, so I’m sorry for the delay in returning to this thread, but it transpires that our digital marketing team did send this announcement to users who have Dorico 4, in addition to those who have Dorico 3.5 and earlier. This wasn’t intentional, and we’re sorry for the confusion caused.

We have now extended the offer to Dorico 4 users as well as to users of Dorico 3.5 and earlier. You can use the code UPDATE50 to save 50% off a single-user update to the latest versions of Dorico Pro or Dorico Elements.


A class act all around!


That’s generous. I’ll head over grab my copy immediately.

So this is just from an older version of Dorico pro to a newer version, and not upgrading from elements to pro? If not, are there any upcoming sales elements->pro?

Correct, this offer is targeted specifically at people who want to update from a version of Dorico that uses the eLicenser (3.5 and earlier) to one that uses Steinberg Licensing, but it’s only for updates, not for upgrades. We will undoubtedly have more sales promotions in future that will include both new licenses and upgrades as well as updates, but I’m afraid I can’t share any concrete dates at the moment.

When I started Dorico 4 there was promotion page and asked to upgrade 5 from 4 for 49.99 when I clicked it shows 99.99. Do I need any Coupon Code?

I’m afraid the sales promotion for which you were shown this information expired at the end of June. The reason you saw the information after the end of the promotion is because Dorico downloaded the information during the promotion, but it doesn’t show you the downloaded information on that run of the software. Instead, it waits until the next time you run the application. Presumably you then didn’t run Dorico again until today, and unfortunately in Dorico 4 this mechanism doesn’t know what the expiry date of the information should be, so it showed it to you even though the special price is no longer available. We’re sorry for the confusion and inconvenience caused.

Currently Dorico 5 is at 50% off. I already have Dorico 4 pro and want to upgrade. Do I still have to pay $280 or is there another cheaper upgrade price?

If you look at the updates & upgrades for existing customers section the cost for Dorico pro 4 owners is around $50.


I finally got to download Dorico 5 but now it won’t run on my computer. I had a download access code and it let me download but now it won’t let me run it.
Any suggestions or solutions?

Did you activate Dorico 5 in the Activation Manager?

What is the nature of the error you’re seeing when you try to run Dorico on your computer, @yscmusic?

When I put it my download access code in my account it said "download access for Dorico Pro 5 successful (grace period for Dorico Pro 4). Then I went to Steinberg Download Assistant and successfully downloaded Dorico Pro 5 but when I went to the Activation Manager it says “No License can be found”. How does that make sense?
I recently got a new computer and transferred my files from my old laptop to this new one. Could that be a reason?

I’ve checked the Steinberg ID account associated with your forum account, and you have a Dorico Pro 4 license in there, which was first activated in November 2022, so you’re not eligible for a grace period update to Dorico Pro 5. If you want to use Dorico Pro 5, you should purchase the update from Dorico 4 to Dorico 5 from our online shop; if you do this before 25 September, you will save 50% on the regular price.