EUCON Update!

Good to hear.

Definitely echo that some improvements would be great. I’d love a ‘proper’ “spill” function for example.

And just for the record I think it’s very, very likely that many would have invested in Steinberg / Yamaha controllers had they been at the same price range as the s1. Nuage seems great, but out of range for a lot of smaller shops or individuals. So we’re “stuck with” s1.


Really glad to gear that!!
Any improvement is better than nothing.
And yes, I’d love to see a proper spill function as well since it’s a big advantage of using S4/S6.
Hope we can have it soon!!

Hi Mattias -
Will any of the ‘scheduled Eucon improvements’ be showing up in Cubase 13?
Thanks much.

Hi Timo-
Will any of the ‘scheduled Eucon improvements’ be showing up in Cubase 13?
Thanks much.

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I have both the older System5 and the more recent S6 in our studios, and yes, I’m dying for Nuendo to catch up with PT in terms of Eucon integration (spill, scrolling waveform on the module screen, other things…).

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Unfortunately no EUCON improvements in Cubase 13 as far as I can see.

Updated to the latest Avid Control App version 2023.11.0.266 and discovered a new problem. When “Mirror MixConsole Channel Visibility” is enabled in Nuendos EuCon settings and in Avid Control Apps gnereal settings “View Banks Independently” is set to “off”, all visible tracks are shown correctly on the controller (Avid S1) but not in the Avid Control App.

Some of the visible tracks can’t be accessed by the Avid Control App.

As an example: first 5 tracks are hidden. Track 6 is selected

First track which can be accessed by the Control App is Track 11. You can also see the track missmatch between the Avid Control App and the S1.

Here is the Screenshot of the Avid Control App, you can also see that Track 6 is selected in the Universe View.

I really like to have the “Views Bank Independently” set to “off”, because then the Avid Control App follows the S1 when banking and stays in synch. But actually it is a complete mess once there are hidden tracks.
Can anybody confirm this?

I don’t think that’s what that setting means. As far as I can see it means that within the EuControl app all banks will have the same selection if it is turned off, meaning your Mixer, Tracks, and Meters all start on the same track. With it on each of those pages can be moved independently of each other. It doesn’t have anything to do with the s1 I think.

If you want the app to follow the s1 I think you need to drag the app instance on top of the s1 instance in the Eucon app on the desktop… no?


@MattiasNYC thanks for your reply.
I always have my tablet linked to my S1.
Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-16 um 17.53.27

But as described above, the only way I get the Control App synched to the S1 in terms of banking / nudging is, when I set “Views Bank independently” to “off” in the general settings of the Avid Control App. How do you achieve to synch the controller and the control app?

And then as soon as there is a hidden track, the whole thing gets messed up…

The setting you’re talking about works the way I explained it for me, with the app instance not dragged onto the s1. The way I work I have the app not linked to the s1 and it does not sync when banking, ever. That is my preferred workflow.

So perhaps something changed that is related to the way you work and not the way I work, but regardless, when I read the description of the function/setting it reads exactly like the way it is for me, and it does not read as a way to sync app with s1.

Sorry I don’t know any other thing to check. Please let us know if you solve it though.

Yes, that’s the same way I understand this function. But for whatever reason, this is the only way I manage to synch the tracks shown on the S1 with those shown on the control app (as long as there are no hidden tracks).

I think synching the controller and the app should normally work like you said (link the tablet to the S1 in the EuCon settings). But I always work in this mode and unfortunately tracks are not synched.

I think it works this way with ProTools, so maybe this is a bug or Steinberg didnt’t implement it right…

@MattiasNYC seems to be that this is another Steinberg EuCon implementation bug / issue. EddieJones confirmed on the AVID forum. S1 Banking on iPad Control App - Page 2 - Avid Pro Audio Community

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I think the manual is poorly written. I now understand what you guys meant but that’s not really what the manual says. It’s sort of an indirect and inescapable consequence of things. But anyway…