EUCON Update!

I meant that this topic is currently under investigation/review. It wasn’t “hold back” for the .10 release,
but it is planned to have this done in the .20.


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Okay, thanks. Is there any hope of returning the transparent track mode?

The “Nuendo doesn’t follow scrolling in the Avid control app / nudging or banking on the Avid controller” issue should not be “a big deal” to fix, because Nuendo already recognizes the nudge/bank commands from the controller. Nuendo highlights a small area on the tracks in the project and mixer window, but simply doesn’t follw/scroll! So this should be very easy to fix imho.

Maybe it is more complex to mirror scrolling in the Avid control app, but it should definitely be possible to do so, because it works pretty nice in ProTools.


Any news on the 2nd patch release?

Hi Timo,
I’ve been solely using an Avid artist transport for the jog/shuttle wheel, which I can use as a touch and turn. It does what I need it to do, and since I am using it with a mouse I don’t encounter the bugs mentioned above, apart from Eucon not saving settings for softkeys. Some of the features, like being able to slide parts around with the wheel, don’t seem to work, but whatever. I principally use it (a LOT) for zooming axes.

Anyway… the one thing from this thread that makes me furrow my eyebrows is the Nuage pricing. When you can buy a 64 channel Yamaha QL5 digital mixer with hardware integration with Nuendo Live, 32 Mic Amps, 16 outputs, and Dante for about the same price as a Nuage 16Channel faderbank. Its like there’s not joined up thinking going on. Write the software to integrate Yamaha Mixers like the TF and QL series to slave to nuendo as control surfaces, and you’ve cleaned up. There are MANY more of them out there than AVID, which is not really a presence in the mid range mixer market. A TF5 is £2,500.

Even if it was a case of making a new line of project studio surfaces…Yamaha already has the tooling and manufacturing to make the physical surfaces already… Just need to redesign the internals and software.


Is the hidden tracks in mixer not mirrored on the Avid Artist only an issue with the Cubase show/hide tracks in the mixer?

What if you use the show/hide tracks in the arrange window, will the Avid controller follow that and properly hide the tracks that are not shown in the arrange window?

Hey Timo,
Besides the Hide/Show and tracks follow banking issue, can you at least tell us what else will be addressed in this 2nd patch?

They’ve been saying that for the last five years. It’s yamaha’s war with avid and they both demondtrate little regard to customers who’ve spent substantial amounts of money with both companies.


There is only one way to currently make Avid hardware reflect SB software and that is with layouts.

You can pre-program a scene with the visibility agent and match that to a layout. Then you’ll store it as a macro on the hardware. Note: It only works in one direction. You launch it from the controller. If you launch it from the software, the hardware won’t change.

Beyond that you either have all tracks showing to make the hardware match or you ignore the hardware and approach your work with the perspective of 2 separate items. :rage:

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OH MY GOD! Is this really true? Steinberg are about to fix the hidden tracks issue? Incredible! I had given up hope after all these years! I still cannot allow myself to believe it but if this actually happens I will be SO HAPPY! :grin:


Here are a couple more issues that I’d like to highlight (although I think we can probably all agree, the ‘Hidden Tracks’ issue I posted about above is absolutely the number 1 problem):

  1. You cannot use the Mute button on the controller to mute a VCA track.

  2. When I press the EQ button, the changes I’ve made in the Remote Control Editor to rearrange parameters for the channel EQ are not reflected in the knob layout. This makes the EQ more or less unusable for me because there is too much menu diving involved in switching between Gain/Freq/Q/Type and I cannot take advantage of the 16 control knobs on my S3 -only the standard layout across only 8 knobs. However, if I press the STRIP button and then select EQ within that menu, I now see the changes made in Remote Control Editor BUT doing it this way does not bring up the standard EQ curve display on my Cubase screen.

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How are you guys dealing with Track layouts in Eucon?

I create a layout for my session, eg Busses locked on the left and focussed track locked to the last fader etc. But, every time I reload the session, it’s all gone. I can’t even seem to save it in Eucon. Not sure if this is something to be fixed within Nuendo.

I also like hiding the Stereo Output channel within Eucon preferences in Nuendo. But it always resets on relaunch.

March 22nd. ANY word on that patch?!!!?

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Meanwhile, for those of you working in surround (specifically on Artist Series Hardware), has anyone found a way to get the surround page on the hardware to even begin to match the surround channel screen on Nuendo/Cubase? :worried:

Anybody know if the screen matches the surround screen in Pro Tools? The most annoying factor is the EXTRA PUCK visible on the MC Screen. ie: If you’ve got a mono channel you see 2 pucks. If you’ve got a stereo channel, you see 3 pucks and so on. The 2nd most annoying factor is the gap in paging through the controls. You get 8 controls on page 1. When you bank over to page 2, it’s empty. The page 2 controls are actually on Page 3. Since the 1st 16 controls are the ones used the most, that gap is a real PITA!

The net result is to just ignore the hardware altogether and use the mouse/trackball to make the adjustments. This is why I asked over at the Avid site if they had any plans to do a “Transport” like JOYSTICK MODULE for the S1/S3 series (you know they’re not going to make anything backward compatible for Artist Series Users).

I don’t see why you have to go S4 and up just to get a surround panner. I’ve seen a lot of JL Cooper Joysticks with several Nuage Controllers. But most of the owners claim that those panners are garbage and warn not to spend the money. Everybody else is, apparently, only making joysticks for gamers. So where does that leave us?

Has anyone here found a workable joystick for this level hardware? If not, how are you managing your panning automation for surround? I’m finding direct use of the software pretty clunky.

Your thoughts? :thinking:

We are using this one, with great succes.
Get in touch with Peter, he is a great guy.


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How much is it? :confused: I only saw a price for the X-Y Controller.

That .2 patch was supposed to be MARCH 2021, right? :confused:

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I think the Eucon update will probably turn out to be an April Fools Day joke. :rofl:

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Come on guys … Not again please.
It’s not that the staff is sitting by the pool, sipping cocktails.
If the update is not available now, then it is because it is not ready yet.


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Yes, sorry Fredo. It was only meant as a light hearted joke! :grin: