Feature request: Spectrogram in Audio Montage

It would be convenient, to also have the Spectrogram/Wavelet view in Audio Montage.
Is there a reason, why this is not possible, yet?

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The spectrogram is primarily helpful for precise audio editing.
Moreover, it is highly CPU-hungry.
Making it available for the audio montage, where hundreds of clips could exist, would be a resource killer.
Sorry, but there is no plan to change this.

And anyway, the Rainbow view, and the spectrum curve (Audio Analysis), are nice additions when you want to get spectral hints in the montage.

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For hundreds of clips, the non-shortcut way to work with envelope smoothing would be nice

This is out of topic.

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Yes, I understand this concern. But it would suffice to have the spectrogram as a static view (which of course should cover the different resolutions of the view). And only so, if activated. Not every clip does needs a spectrogram (at least on my part).
There are cases, on which the spectrogram comes in handy to find exactly the point of a clip, where some plugin or adjustment is needed.

So yes, I would like to have this option.

Thx anyway.

Wavelab has grown so much over the past 20 years… I appreciate all the work and the fine details (even though it seems confusing sometimes.). It’s a great piece of art!

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