fingering: left and right hand in a unique line

I want to make technical piano exercice (like chromatic scale or scale for keyboard player) I want to use only one staff but put fingering of right hand over notes et left hand fingerind under the notes: is it possible?
Best regards

I would make a second voice of the same notes, add the fingerings, then set the voice index to 0 and turn off the stems in engrave mode.

Thanks both
I will try the workaround of Conradasman but @ theduke:“L2R3” could be a solution

Here is my result: a little strange:

Is this supposed to be in crotchets or has the beaming disappeared? If it’s the position of the fingering markings that you’re worried about, you can adjust them in engrave mode.

Here are some screenshots on how I managed to get it to work

When I wrote “Here is my result: a little strange:”
I speak about the stem allways up (same direction)
@Conradasman I’m not in front my computer, but in your exmple what’s happend if you continue the notes or transpose it? stem allways up?
I wantt to use fingering left and right hand for scale and arpeggio chord so with a large ambitus (min two octaves).

Hi Dup

By using 2 voices as shown in my method, it will default the visible voice (the upper voice) to all stems up. However, this can be manually overridden by changing the properties panel when the voice needs to have its stems facing downwards (alternatively, just press F to flip any certain beam group’s beaming).

Hope this helps!

Hi Conradasman
It works ! thanks for your prt screen.
So here is the family photo:

Best regards


  • Pity that re-input pitch with a midi keyboard erase fingering.I will use ctrl+shift and up and down
  • I’m allways surprise by the weight of dorico’sfile: here for 24notes: 446Ko

Glad to help!

Re the PS: I think the size of the .dorico file decreases as you go: My first sketch of a recent work (10 bars) was about 500KB and when it was finished (10 minute quintet) it was only 1.5MB

The bulk of the file size is the VST/playback data. Assuming you don’t have ridiculously complicated playback templates, that data doesn’t grow terribly much as the project gets longer.