Fixes/Problems in C6 from C5.5.2..a list please?

hi can those who have received Cubase 6.00.00 pls let us know which of these problems have been addressed. That would be great.

Another problem/issue…the audition fader in the Audio Pool is not saved with the project. it resets to 0db. so the first time when you forget and click on a file to audition it the blast just about blows your head off and tears a rip in your speakers. Seriously this is just sloppy and has been brought up in the previous forum i hope this has been addressed. Any report welcome.

it seems that Steinberg have addressed one of the problems which is a function to auto-renumber the markers which is big step forward. Thats a good start. Thank you Steinberg.


FIXED in C6. Plus, there’s a neat new addition of a ‘padlock’ symbol/icon, to lock the current mix setting whilst browsing through patches/presets - ordinarily, this would default back to 100 each time you changed to a new IR.

FIXED - well, maybe its what you mean at p141 of C6 Manual ‘Reassigning Marker IDs’.
(EDIT:- Just seen this was posted before me - Creativity First — Our Passion for Music Inspires | Steinberg)

i just received an email that there is going to be a tour of Cubase 6 workshops coming to my town. They are going to try and sell C6 to a room full of industry. Ive signed up. Im looking forward to being there. It will be interesting when i politely stand up and quietly read the list of problems not addressed in this thread by Steinberg in C6 to the audience and request a reply from the Mr Speaker.

i imagine the comments from the audience will be along the lines of "oh really? "…“wow, i didnt know that…”…“is that true? it really is like that??” …“why was that one not fixed Mr Speaker”??

i truely wish there was not a single point for me to stand up and make, because these well established problems in C5 had been addressed by $teinberg in C6 and not ignored. Maybe Mr Speaker will at least be embarrassed into asking his “connections” in Steinberg a “what the??” for these issues. Maybe we can get some action on these problems this way. Sitting at a keyboard and endlessly reporting the problems online sure doesnt seem to be working…

Which town or suburb?

Quebec Canada

Ok so why not use something like Pro Tools or Logic instead on Mac or do you already have those?

What on earth does Quebec or Canada have to do with this comment above… if someone wants to put a vendor on the spot, why not.

This forum is the best place to be heard.

Notice how many bug reports have been assigned reference numbers lately?

are you there yet ?

Please clarify … Do you mean you KNOW for certain that:

(a) none of the bundled plug-ins that were new with C4, C5 and C6 was actually written (partly or wholly) by any Steinberg programmer who could otherwise have been working towards the elimination of known problems in Cubase; and

(b) none of those plugins was paid for by Steinberg, using money that could otherwise have been spent on programmer time directed towards the elimination of known problems?

If you don’t actually know enough to verify that both ‘(a)’ and ‘(b)’ are true, what did you mean by what you wrote there?

I have a document called Version History / Issues & Solutions that starts with Version 5.5.2

The first sentence says: The document list all update changes, fixes and improvements for the Cubase 5 product family.
then it goes one for 12 pages all the way from the lastest version of 5 (5.5.2) all the way back to 5.0 the original version release (not an update)

so I would tend to say that you might have to wait until there’s an update of 6 to see that document revised.

I figure since you post requests from 5.5.2 thru 6, that this is not exactly what you wanted, but that’s all that is available at this time to us. They haven’t posted the next Version History / Issues and Solutions yet. Hopefully it will get to us soon.
This doc I put the link for was under Cubase 6.
Perhaps it should be under Cubase 5 and under Cubase 6 they should have “not available yet”.

so if you just simply request it and keep bumping it, bump, bump, bump,
without getting all Tunisia, it’ll eventually show up.

on the other hand, if you just really hungry for 6, but are extremely cautious, as you noted…
wait longer to dive in and keep bumping this post and ALSO,
keep looking at the knowledge base on current topics to see if any one is having issues that concern you

and of course, you can lurk on the Cubase 6 area of the board and follow along,
even though your actually a Cubase 5 user…

we surely don’t mind, you’re one of us, no matter…

keep the faith,

el profe, LG

Hi El Professor Brains here

Glad someone finally requested a seq 6 version history!

This forum is a good place but far from lurking we can all be involved in the evolution :nerd:

Lets hope with the new forum there will be a greater administrative participation and even more information filtering down to the forum.

All the best cubendo users

Hi El Professor. :slight_smile: great post.

yes what we need is a fix list from 5.5.2 to 6.00.00 which we dont seem to have.

But indeed it seems from reading the 6.0 manual that it is clear some of these problems have not been addressed. But i dont have C6 so its hard to 100% confirm.

being a developer and having to write a manual that size must be a daunting task. Especially if youre writing it in English and you are German. I must give Steinberg some credit there are few literary mistakes and it is generally well written.


I would also like to see a version update history from 5.5.2 to 6.0. It’s actually a marketing mistake to not disclose all the adjustments made, as it makes the improvements seem minimal when you only broadcast a few.

When the New Features videos were released, I watched them, and posted on the forum where they were being discussed that there didn’t seem like there was enough new stuff to warrant a full new version. On further reading, I found that there has been a lot that has changed and been updated that wasn’t mentioned in the videos. I even posted on these forums in response to someone who also felt that the update (based on the New Features videos) wasn’t quite worthy of a full release, and I commented along the lines that “if there were more that was new to Cubase, Steinberg would have mentioned it because they’d want you to know about it to make their product look even better.” That’s simply logical and the software norm. It turns out that I was wrong, but I shouldn’t have been.

Not creating a long list and leaving it up to be stumbled upon is extremely amateur from a marketing perspective, and very inconvenient and unproductive for users. Steinberg would have created more hype, excitement, and sales by fully showing what was new and what had been changed. The feedback they received would also then be more informed and more precise when people spoke up about what they liked and didn’t like.

Well, I can’t find a way to copy and paste here from the pdf manual :question: , anyway one thing that I like so far (manual p. 42-43: Using the toolbox): you can now change the number of rows in the toolbox (as it was pre 5.5).


But, then, not listing changes means not revealing which problems were left unresolved. (Shhhh! They might not notice.)

correct chase. too embarrassed to reveal what they didnt fix…

i hope this is not the reason, i would like to know what they DID fix also ! this would make me more likely to consider C6 a lot faster…surely this is good marketing.

maybe the list is forthcoming soon…