Duplicated a flow and in Layout Options set “New Flows: allowed on existing page”. But the first flow ends and then the second one starts on a new page instead of starting right after the end of the first flow.
How do I fix that?
- Open Layout Properties (Ctr-shift-L)
- Select Page Setup from the Category menu.
- In the Flows section, choose Allow on existing page for New flows.
- Click Apply, then Close
- make sure you have the correct Layout selected when you set the Layout Option.
- Turn on signposts and look for Frame Breaks.
There are lots of frame breaks (I never inserted these and I’m not sure what they are). Deleted a couple and got this:
Deleted a different one and it disrupted system breaks (which I did enter) and it did move the second flow over but changed the flow title and it overlapped with the first one. Quite a mess.
I just that you had indeed used the setting. Best to check for frame breaks then.
… which you now did. I’m late for everything today!!
Thanks, Claude. Deleting a frame break “worked” but the second flow overlaps the first and there are twice as many staves on the page as there are supposed to be. Engrave-Reset Layout does nothing. Systems per frame is set to 9, Inter-system gap is 9 spaces.
Check if you have page overrides (little red flags on the page icons in the right panel in engrave mode). If that’s the case, right click on the offending page icons and select “remove page overrides”
I still have no idea how you got to that point. If it were me I would be confused as hell.
There was a page override only on page #1. Deleted it and page 2 still looks like the above.
Go to Engrave mode and hit Reset Layout.
I think the OP did that already. May another go would help …
I got to this point like this:
New project
Made a flow with all the layout adjustments
Duplicated the flow
Set “New Flows: allowed on existing page” but the duplicate flow remained on its own page.
Deleted the frame break which allowed the second flow to appear on the page with the end of the first flow but all the staves are crunched together.
There must be a better solution than dragging them all into place individually.
If all fails you can simply create a new layout. But can send me the file at claudelapalme at shaw dot ca and I’ll take a look.
@Craig_F Tried Engrave - Reset Layout again. No change.
I sent a a revised score. I haven’t fixed everything, but it was a classic case of over-formatting. Many breaks were made using “Make into frame” and “Make into system” instead of simply entering a break. I have used “make into system” a couple of times to take care of orphaned final measures, but the number of pages created with “make into frames” created all sorts of difficulties. Selecting breaks in engrave mode and unticking "wait until next break in the properties panel is often an easy fix for that. In the end: too many breaks and too many of the wrong kind. If you force a bunch of systems into a frame, changing paper size, for example, will create issues. I also took the liberty of changing the margins for your flow header (Layout options>Page Setup>Flows) so they have more room on top
Thanks so much for fixing it. As far as all those breaks: the System Breaks were the only way to make the two-system long exercises locked as 7 and 8 bars in each system. Is there another way to force that?
The frame breaks are probably there because I was trying to fix the problem of the second flow starting on its own page by using “make into frame,” but it never seemed to do anything at all. (Does “make into frame” add frame breaks at the boundaries? I thought it might just pull two frames together.)
I have now done several imports of .xml and .mid from Finale and, despite Finale’s and Dorico’s reassurances about it, I suspect that Finale import is not as carefree as they hope. It could just be me, though.
At a minimum I need to study up on frames in the manual. This transition from 30 years of Finale to Dorico has been challenging but it is obvious that Dorico is quite amazing by comparison. And the forum is so patient with us Finale refugees!
The “Make Into System/Frame” and “Move Bar Up” functions all add breaks on both sides, and set the “Wait for next break” attribute on the first one. So if you later delete the second one, everything until the next break (if any!) gets crammed together. It can easily be the entire rest of the flow.
For that reason, simply adding a single break is less dangerous or confusion-prone than these forcing commands.
I much prefer to set the note spacing smaller than the default 4 (3½ or even 3), and use a manual break to stretch a system here & there, rather than forcing things together when they want to be wider. The latter always runs the risk of causing collisions.
Generally, simple system breaks are the way to go. Make a span into a system is very useful, but should be used with far greater parsimony. One of the things than can be useful in your case is using “Coda” repeat markers in between your exercises. They’re basically system splits. I will send you the file the way I would format it (btw, your paper size was wrong!). When using Coda, indents will happen automatically and remain even after a system break. So each exercise starts with a break and a Coda. By setting the Coda to "text only in Engraving options (and also setting the horizontal position of the systemic barline in the same options) you can use the properties panel to enter custom text to each “Coda” and have a greater level of automation and cleanliness. It looks like that:
Thanks. How do you “add a single break” when moving a bar to previous or next system?