Force Stem Direction in Cues not working

Hi, I’ve been diligently learning the ins and outs of Dorico, but have run into a brick wall on something.

I’m using a “Cues” player (using Bass Drum as instrument) to write in all of my lead sheet’s topline rhythmic cues, by using the Cues popover. However, I can’t seem to get the Lead Layout to keep the Cues Layout’s cued notes with the stems UP. I’ve tried using the Properties panel to force the Cues’ stems up. I’ve made sure the Cues Layout has all of its notes forced stem-up (no issues there).


Am I missing something? Thank you!
Made in the Shade.dorico (1.3 MB)

HI @Will_Padgett Welcome to the Forum

Just start entering the notes (the melody) and the stems of the cue will change the direction automatically. You do not even have to force the direction of the cue.
See @FredGUnn answer in Little notes above system to indicate a rythm - #4 by FredGUnn for at least other way to get what you are looking for.

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Indeed you are right! Thank you.

However, what if I want to keep the measures empty, and maintain upward stems?

using the second option in the post i linked before.
In your file (in the full score layout):

  1. delete the cue
  2. select all the content of your “cue” player (for example by selecting the rest at the beginning of the first bar and then use "select till the end of flow).
  3. copy the content to the “voice” player using copy & paste or alt click.
  4. with the content still selected (keep it selected through all steps) filter notes and chords
  5. edit>notations (or right clik) voices>change voice>new slashed up-stem voice
  6. change to engrave mode (Ctrl 3), open the properties panel (ctrl+8) and make sure that in “set local properties” globally is selected.
  7. In the properties panel activate the Slash pos. property and set it to 7 for example, activate the “hide ledger lines” property, activate the scale property and set it to Cue:
  8. Since there are no notes in other voices, the stems are still pointing down although they belong to a “slashed up-stem voice”, just press F to flip them. That’s it.