The maps all have the *.drm extension. So, I changed ‘SD Superior Drummer 3.drm’ to ‘SD Superior Drummer 3.doricolib’ as stated in the docs. When I tried to import this Dorico gave me an incorrect file format error. Has anyone else been able to use these?
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Big thx !
@JohnFromEngland - (Years later from time of your original OP…) Although I only have the basic EZ Drummer at this point and so don’t have any use for all the other .drm files, many thanks for this.
2022 but still a great thing Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much!
Does anybody has the maps for EZ drummer 3?
Does anybody know how to make this work in logic Pro X? How to load these mappings into Logic, so that they appear as drum names in the Piano Roll? Thanks a lot for every inspiration and advice!
Hi there, any Drum Maps for EZDrummer 3?
Best regards, Erix
Drum Maps are te same for both EZD versions.