Grace Period Update to Cubase 12

I am trying to figure this one out as well. I managed to update one Pro license and one Elements license. When I tried to update my second Pro license (all on individual USB-eLicensers and only one plugged in at a time) I get the message that an email will be sent with the DAC, but no email exists. What is going on here? Can we not have more than one license for the same product? What if I want to sell one of those licenses or upgrade one to Nuendo? I’m completely baffled and seriously not happy right now with the way this has been implemented.

We can’t be only allowed one grace period update even though we have more than one license, can we? I updated one Pro license on November 11. That one is all good, it seems. I just purchased another Pro 10.5->11 update a few days ago because I wanted to “lock in” the 11 license on that dongle, too. Now when trying to get the grace period DAC it is nowhere to be found … although I got the message to check my email! The same process just worked for my other license. Hmmmm …