Halion Sonic SE 3: Missing Audio Files


I’ve installed full Halion Sonic SE 3 downloaded with the Steinberg Download Assistant. But I’m getting the same error, time after time.
Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 5.29.56 PM.png
I found a solution for HS 3 ( not SE, here).

How and where I search the .vstsound file corresponding to this particular patch “Autobahn” please? Here are the full information page about the sound.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This seems to be part of HALion Sonice SE library. Therefore I would recommend to reinstall the HSSE library again completely.

  • Make sure you are installin h´from the Full-installer.
  • Unpack the ZIP file.
  • Install from the unzipped folder.
  • Install as administrator.

Thank you.