Hang when playingback multi-note tremolos

Hi there. I’m mapping my VST instruments and I’m trying to get a roll between two notes in a percussion instrument using multi-note tremolo.

The VST already has the sound of both notes so I only need to trigger the playback. sound one of the notes and leave the other one on the page without playback.

So far so good and the sound plays for half the duration of the note that is triggered, so now I can extend the duration using the key editor.

Now, what causes the audio crash is adding a note after the multi note tremolo and hitting play. There is sound for a fraction of a second and then Dorico works for a few seconds but the sound is gone. Eventually Dorico becomes unresponsive and crashes as well.

A couple of pictures of the percussion map and the percussion kit technique dialogue.

One more thing, I have experimented a bit and it seems that Dorico tries to create a multi-note tremolo with whatever note it can find after the note that has its playback disabled (this was the case when I tried with a piano instead of a percussion kit, the audio engine didn’t crash in that case).

Hi @Maester_Ludwig ,
would you please also choose from Dorico’s meny Help > Create Diagnostic Report which will create a zip file on your Desktop. That zip file contains also crash dumps that we are keen to have a look at. So please attach it to a reply here. Thanks

To provide a bit more information here: after some private discussion between Ulf, @Maester_Ludwig, and me, we have determined that Dorico is hanging, not crashing, and it’s hanging because the specific content that is being used inside Kontakt 8 is triggering a deadlock in the audio engine. We’ve seen this deadlock before, though it has historically been harder to reproduce. We are hopeful that the audio engine team will be able to investigate this problem in future.