Hey everyone! I’m trying to add a swing indication to my music sheet, but I can’t see it. Is there any way I can do it? Or alternatively, is there a way to write this figure?
Thank you for your help!
Hey everyone! I’m trying to add a swing indication to my music sheet, but I can’t see it. Is there any way I can do it? Or alternatively, is there a way to write this figure?
Thank you for your help!
Unfortunately, there is no (at least no satisfactory) way to write this in Dorico with its native functions at the moment. But you can use a 3rd party font like MusGlyphs by @dan_kreider for the time being. Note that you need to tell Dorico how you want it to be played, if that’s something you’re aiming for, as it will not recognize the context of an external font.
If you don’t need the notation equation, you can simply enter Swing (♩ = 120) with the Tempo popover, then invoke the popover a second time to add the swung rhythmic feel signpost for proper playback.
Do you know if this is scheduled for future versions?
I’m no Daniel but I think it’s safe to say that it would definitely be on the to-do list.
Thanks! I’ll keep an eye out.
Different solutions have been discussed here, including the dotted eighth variant:
I saw what you did there …
I need to indicate the following tempo indications :
Bright Gospel 1/4=110
16th Heavy Swing
I 've been searching for 30 minutes and found no way to achieve what I want.
Someone here found a way to do that?
You can’t create a two-line tempo instruction in Dorico. Probably for simplicity I would suggest adding the tempo and the rhythmic feel indication (both of which can be created via the Shift+T popover), then hiding the tempo. Then add a Shift+Alt+X system-attached text item containing both instructions.
Oh My God!
Shift+Alt+X is like a Chrismas gift! Thanks!
Are multi-line tempo instructions planned for a future release?