Well, am def impressed dear Minas!! It works! And this function to have is amazing! TAP → scroll with the jog wheel through them sounds…ah - the right one ok → TAP → normal remote mode! Awesome! Great job!
Did you maybe thought abt the colour change, and I won’t look greedy - I am really interested in the process how you figure this out…
Many, many thanks so far!
ah…something strange appeared while testing around. I use HALionSonic7 and got SKYLAB on Channel 01, DARK PLANET on channel 02. If I use the new TAP option and am on the respecting midichannel 01 for the SKYLAB it changes the presets fine. When I TAP off and select the next miditrack for DARK PLANET → TAP on (I see the DARK PLANET is loaded and already a preset selected) → I scroll the jog wheel and it’s not only changing the preset as intended, it changes the instrument from DARK PLANET to SKYLAB, the one thats loaded already on channel 1. What do you think abt that?
Ah, I never play with many instrument slots, so I guess you have to ask in another thread. Surely other users will know.
Sure I did, I just forgot to answer earlier. You have to open a ticket to Arturia and/or a thread to their dedicated forum, so that we can have the sysex message that is needed to be sent for led color change, plus the led ids. If I had this device I could probably find out myself, but since I don’t, this info is really needed to handle the colors. Most probably the sysex would be quite similar with the one for the Keylab MK2 but I just don’t know.
thanks for provinding a new version oft the TAP LED issue. I have followed your advices and now the TAP Button is changing its colours either it’s active or not. Thats a great visual feedback to know if this option is active or not.
Thank’s a lot for this enhancement!
Well, am still trying to do some research on the issue the whole instruments are changing in a multitimbral instrument such as HALionSonic7. I also bougth the BOME Midi Translator pro but I have no clue how to set it up to see which messages are exchanged between the MK3 49 and Cubase 13. Maybe I need some other tools I came not across, because I really want to use this mutltimbral feature of HALionSonic. It’s the Instrument I am using most. Maybe you are so kind to provide me some decent information on how to detect whats going on bettween the MK3 49 and Cubase 13. Maybe you can use a PM to explain that to me, if your are willing to.
I see I ran you into lots of tasks and I can clearly understand that you have more important projects running for yourself and I wont hold you to my problems.
So it would be great if you can provide me with some informations on how to find out whats going on to solve the instrument switch issue.
Again, thanks a lot for your help and time you shared for my problem, and if I can do anything for you just let me know, even if I can spent you a little coffee or something like this.
I’m not sure I understand the problem. From the Keylab we just send the Preset Previous/Next commands, so if there is an issue or unexpected behavior, it’s not because of the Keylab but because of these commands.
From what I see here, whenever we are in a slot (either on Halion Sonic or Halion) and we execute these commands, the preset for the currently selected slot is changed. Isn’t this what you expect or see?
I did a little video that shows the problem. Please excuse my bad english - it’s not my native tongue.
Hope you can see the problem I tried to describe before now a bit better. I put it up on YouTube:
EDIT 2024-07-19 ! Video is not deleted but set to private only !
I now see what you mean. Well, this is a known thing with the mediaBay preset browser. It just keeps the last edited filters. In fact I already created a feature-request here:
thanks for watching my video regarding this HALionSonic7 preset selection issue.
I did open a support ticket against STEINBERG and explaind this issue.
But for now I guess we are at the end of the line.
So you like to keep your secrets regarding the process and tools you are using to reverse engineer this ARTURIA Scripts. Have to accept that.
So let me say a last THANK YOU! for your time and effort regarding this issue. If I will make some progress in this I will keep you updated dear Minas!
Secrets? We just open the files provided by them (Arturia) and read the code.All MIDI definitions concerning controls and leds are right there. I use Visual Studio Code for this. The changes I’ve made are not based on something “hidden” in the Keylab, if you think something like this happened.
…no. I do not think you use something suspicious or whatever you might think now. It was a german slang sentence I used and maybe pointed in the wrong direction. I just wanted to know how you figure out what kind of messages are going between the MK3 49 and the remote console. And what tool you are using to do this. Somthing like a monitor tool that shows the actual messages ongoing when a key is pressed and what the answer is. Since you dont want let me learn something you sound like Ludwig van Beethoven. He is known for being unable to hear music during his later years due to his deafness, but continued to compose. He is reported to have heard the music in his head while writing scores, without the need for an instrument.
I am def not such a kind of man and I need somewhere a point to start. But it’s ok. Again thank you a lot for your help - it def means a lot to me! Thank you!
Like said, it’s all right there in the code. But you need to know the terminology used in the MIDI Remote API. For example, when we program a control, we give its CC (or note) message by the command ourControl.mMidiBinding.bindToControlChange(channel,ccNumber). But as you can understand I cannot teach in a thread. The good news is that the API documentation is here: Introduction | MIDI REMOTE API , and there are some examples to help you get started.
You need to know javascript and then spend some time with getting into the nature of this API.