Dear Minas,
first I like to say thank you for your fast reply regarding my question!
And yes, I already read your post related to your Keylab MK2 I several times, before I decided to ask my question in here myself. Before I came across lots of other forums, YouTube’s and whereever somthing was told abt. this preset browsing issue. But no one really seems interested in this, only a very few postings to find, with mostly no answers.
Well, the MK3 is my fourth Midi-Keyboard-Controller I bought to maintain my workflow a bit more convenient.
It seems every big player in this game is cooking their own soup and just want you (the customer) to swallow it, giving cheers for what they build. It’s just a matter of fact that nowadays we all get drowned in an ocean of presets, spending more time to find the sound that you really need or want for your creation. And the fear of missing out the next, the better, the more usefull preset is destroying any kind of creativity (at least for me). After 30 minutes of preset browsing without finding the right one (if there is any at last), I have forgotten what I wanted to do at the very beginning: putting the melody or bass line or whatever in my head into reality.
Yeah I do know that MIDI was never designed to do such tricks like preset browsing (I started with a Commodore 64, a Jellinghaus (JMS) Midi Interface for it and C-Lab Supertrack as recording software), but if you are willing to sell your soul to one of them big companies you will get at last a touch of that what I asked for in my posting.
So I got one more time bedazzled by a shiny product, that integrates “seamless” with my DAW, but in the end it doesnt. I really dont need another controller that is capable of transport controls and such stuff. I just want a fast way to scroll through them thousands of presets without twisting my arms and fingers into a Gordian knot.
I stumbled also across this option, but I did not manage to get it to work…
The next obstacle to deal with…
Why it has to be the MediaBay? I was thinking more about a scenario like this:
- Push the encoder knob to open the specified intstrument
- tabbing to the instruments own preset browser (or category first)
- then use the encoder knob to rotate the cursor up and down like you do it with the arrow keys (as you have mentioned before)
Well, that’s just a noob idea of mine
Of course I saw your video, but it seems there is a huge latency between the interrogation and the answer at last? But you got it to work somehow and that’s what counts I guess!
For sure it is! I agree 100% with your feature request! Sounds great!
As far as I can see for now you are totally right.
That would be much appreciated dear Minas. In the dungeon of broken promises you are the only one that shares the same ideas and thoughts regarding this issue as I do.
I am not quite sure if I have just to get my chainsaw and get rid off all this demotivating things I always stumble across
. But for now am waiting for your response, leaving the the saw unfired in the edge of my room waiting to do it’s job
Many thanks in advance dear Minas, I think you have put a lot of energy into this task and I am really happy you like to share it with me.
I just want to do some music and I remember the good ol day’s where my DX7-1 has the impossible amount of 32 presets stored in the internal memory. These days I found myself in heaven, cause them synths I used before did not have a memory for sounds, not alking about MIDI itself. But in present I found myself in the hell and maze of a billion sounds - maybe even never listen - before I close my eyes forever :).
Thank you,