How to record multi out vst instruments going through interface into cubase

Greetings , I’m hoping someone can can give advice on how to record multi out VST instruments ( Reason rack plug-in , Halion sonic), through my interface , and into cubase. I’ve been searching for the past 3 days and have not found a video that can show how to connect the multi outputs to the audio tracks. thanks in advance.

On already recorded material, the more simple would be to use the Edit > Render in Place command, after having selected all the involved MIDI/Instrument tracks.

Is there any reason why you want to go through your audio interface?

I want the instruments to hit my 8 boutique mic pres from my converter before “going to tape”. the instrument track that has the midi kik on it is hitting the mic pre , but the other seperate inputs for the snare and hat are not. I’ve tried following the same format for the outputs with the snare and hat, but they are not hitting their respective mic pre assigned channels. been looking for videos on this and to date , I have found nothing on the recording side. All that I have found is the video with Dom showing how to make seperate channels for Halion and Grove agent , which is exactly how I was working in Pro Tools.
After setting up those aux tracks in pro tools for those individual instruments, I was then able to route the outputs to my mic pre inputs into the audio tracks respectively. Trying to find that same or similar process with Cubase. Thanks for your feedback.

[quote=“Carl_James, post:4, topic:947179”]
I want the instruments to hit my 8 boutique mic pres from my converter before “going to tape”.

You have a device with 8 mic pre-amps? Then I assume you also have an audio interface with at least 8 ins and outs to connect to the pre-amps.

In Cubase you’d need to go to Studio → Audio Connections → Outputs and create (I assume in your case mono) output busses, one for each connection. Assign each bus to the adequate audio interface’s port.
Then it is just a matter of routing each VSTi out channel to an individual output bus.
If you want to record all pre-amps’ returns individually you need to also create 8 input busses.

If you have 8 dedicated ins and outs on your interface for the pre-amps and Cubase Pro you can also use the tab “External Effect” in the Audio Connections instead of the Outputs. Create 8 external mono effects there.
If you do this you can use each of your pre-amps as if it was a plug-in, ie. you load it as an insert effect onto an audio channel.

Does that help already?

Thanks JM. About to try that first suggestion.

The interface has 8mic pres in them.

That part should be independent from the DAW, be it Pro Tools or Cubase.

I’ve been going at it but still not getting the jist of it. I know when it comes to these type of issues it’s always human error, so If I may, I’ll send you the audio set up window so you can see what I’m doing wrong. i’m getting the kik from the reason rack instrument track to go to input 3-4 in the interface , but the snare and other drums are not , though i see the plaing in the mix console .

This was my first audio set up.

This the reason rack set up.

The audio out put setup. This was the first set up I did.

I did the mono set up that you recommended and still got the same result.

Ill try the mono ins and out again.

Can you please send a screenshot of the MixConsole (full window, not lower zone) with the Routing section unfolded and the Multi-out channels visible? Like so…

(Note: This is Cubase 12 on PC; looks just slightly different than your version)

Input side.

The Routing section is folded. Could you click on one of the displayed ‘Routing’ labels to unfold it and make the screenshot again ?

Beside this, a display of the outputs would be more useful, IMO.

As cubic13 said, we’d need to see the routing section expanded. I marked it in my screenshot.
Also, please don’t show the input bus channels, this is not relevant to your issue. We need to see the channels of Reason Rack.

Seems there is a limit to how many times I can respond to your replies as I’m a new member on this platform. Here attached is a pic. hopefully this helps the process.

I would have responded sooner but it seems there is a limit on how many times i can send a message on this platform as a new member. I just sent the pic that you asked for to cubi13. Let me know if you need anything else.