How to route internal audio in Cubase through UR816C

is there a way to route whatever Ι 'm hearing from media player into Cubase? I could do this with my old card through the digital in buses, but now there is not a similar option. Or am I missing something?

You may be looking for Loop Back functionality: Dom has a video about it:

@Nico5 I think Loop Back function doesn’t provide a “real” input bus for Cubase.

I don’t have a UR-C, so I can’t test this myself, but from looking at a prior forum post, it seems it should work:

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You should get the loopback on first 2 inputs.

If you want to record the system sounds you need to set the interface as playback device.


Yes indeed. Sorry, I missed the older post about it. The fact is that I could see feedback in my inputs of the soundcard but I completely missed the incoming signal on inputs 1+2 when I set it to Live Cast. Thanks for your help.

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