I run Cubase as an administrator, but I cannot drag and drop audio from the arrangement view into Kontakt or Phase Plant. I can only do it with Sampler Track or Groove Agent. Is this some kind of gatekeeping?
I also cannot drag and drop samples from the Pool window. When I show the file in Explorer, I still cannot drag and drop it because Explorer cannot be run as an administrator.
Can someone explain how I’m supposed to work with this? Or I should I contact support for these products?
I mean c’mon guys. It is working in Ableton and it’s a VST plugin. So it must work in Cubase too. I got it to save audio WITH presets because the Sample Track can not do it. And I have bumped into an unresolvable issue again. It is just surreal.
Palindrom from Glitchmachines also doesn’t accept files.
Is it really the developers’ fault? Is it a coincidence that they all made the same bug?
Maybe you guys could add a key modifier or a shortcut that will send the default “a file has been dropped” event instead of XML that you use? Like Reaper does. It looks like most of the VST devs even don’t have a clue about this issue in Cubase.
How exactly do you drag and drop the files? Do you drag it from File Explorer or do you open the File > Import dialog and then try to import it from here? The second doesn’t work, this is a known and already reported isue.
Also make sure, you don’t run Cubase as administrator, please.
He can drag and drop just fine, man. It’s a Cubase quirk — it doesn’t send the file path to plugins, but instead some XML format that plugin developers aren’t familiar with. Most of my VSTs don’t support drag and drop from Cubase but work perfectly in other DAWs. Once again, Cubase is ahead of the entire industry Make sure you warn the VST developers that you’re so advanced.
The thorn in my side for 20 years XD
Surely they could accept defeat on this one, yes when xml is supported it has some awesome added benefits, but lets be realistic, most companies do not even know it exists as cubase is not a “main” daw they program for anymore, and is probably only a small % of their userbase.
Every plugin company i have complained to this about wasn’t aware of it, some bothered to fix, and most didn’t bother at all.
Holding alt or some key modifier to bypass and just copy the actual file and not the the xml code would be an excellent solution, kinda like the vst xml translator from years ago that tried to make this issue a little better, but baked in.
I’m away from that computer but I’m 90% sure you can drag from the Media/Loop library into Kontakt/etc.
I had hopes that I could use the project mediabay in the same way but this doesn’t work. This would have been an easy workaround.
I get jealous watching a logic user drag 100 regions nicely into keygroups…