I can't find my user topics list in the menu

This is what my forum page looks like at the moment. Have you moved the users topics link? After writing this I clicked the three lines to hide and open the menu and then “My Drafts” reappeared, second image.

@Tomas_E I posted about this this morning when My Posts was suddenly missing. So far no explanation. "My Posts" missing from sidebar

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Things like this seem to be hush-hush. But they could at least say; “Thanks, we’ll take a look”, just to confirm they are aware of it. What’s there to be afraid of.

of us users? :man_shrugging:t3:
ps.: I don’t have this sidebar at all (on iOS Safari)

If you are on an iPhone you’ll find the three lines in the top line, next to your user avatar.

oh, you are right, Nickie. I never realised them -
as I don’t eat hamburgers :sunglasses:

Had it occurred to you that it is nearly 11pm in London and that it might be unreasonable to expect a response from staff so far outside of office hours…?!