"Import" MIDI piano file to Dorico SE from Cubase 12 Pro?


I’m a prospective Dorico user, viewing many YouTubes, it looks awesome!

My main goal is to generate sheet music .pdfs of MIDI piano songs that currently reside in Cubase 12 Pro (not to enter or record them into Dorico), and vocals/lyrics. I’m looking for a program that doesn’t have a steep learning curve, and someone suggested Dorico :slight_smile: .

I thought I’d seen a Dorico video title teaching how to do exactly that, but I can’t seem to find it again. Would someone be able to point me in that direction please?

Thank you!

Google helps :wink:

Here a video by the marvelous @John_at_Steinberg :


And also this (from Logic to Dorico, but the principles are the same) :


Thank you @Christian_R … can’t wait!!

_Rite_of_Spring_Part2_complete_The_Exalted_Sacrifice.mid (953.3 KB)

Can you try to import this midi file into Dorico.
The result I get is horrible
I have the same problem with my Logic midi where most of my instrument are played by Vienna Instruments
XML is a bit better but it is loosing the names of the instruments.

Watching this now. Cubase piano and voice to Dorico sheet music.

It seems perfect! Thank you so much, @Julie Julie Richardson (PS: Tried to leave a nice comment in your YouTube, but kept getting error messages … sorry)!

There was in the comments about exporting the Cubase project as a MIDI export vs a MusicXML export. That’s a bit over my head … does anyone have any suggestions which is better?

Thank you!

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Someone has already typed in Rite of Spring:

The idea was to help Steinberg to improve to import complex pieces into Dorico.


Hi Alexis - I’m so glad you found value in my video! To address your specific question - MIDI and MusicXML export different types of data. MIDI is designed for music playback, while MusicXML is designed for notation. MIDI data contains note pitches, positions and velocities. It doesn’t contain any audio data on its own like an MP3, and thus requires virtual instruments to play back the MIDI information to create sound. MusicXML is designed to capture the specific formatting of sheet music, such as clefs, note pitches, musical symbols, lyrics, etc. If you’re exporting from Cubase to Dorico, you will most likely want to export MIDI to capture what is shown in your key editor. In order to export MusicXML from Cubase, you have to use the Cubase Score Editor to get a sheet music view, and it’s that sheet music that Cubase is exporting rather than the MIDI notes. Personally, I find the Cubase Score Editor to be really frustrating to use, and I find that it’s easier to get workable music going straight from MIDI to Dorico rather than having an intermediate step of Cubase MIDI > Cubase Score Editor > Dorico. For me, the primary advantage to using the MusicXML export is that you can use it to export chord symbols, which MIDI exports do not capture.

I hope that helps!

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