THe spell check is abnoxious. I am simply trying to figure out how to import the instrument set i purchased into Dorico. Thanks
Hi @SoliDeoGloria,
You mean “The spell check” for accidentals? We need more detailes and a Dorico File example of your situation, and your wanted behaviour. Also be aware of the XML import preferences in Dorico’s Preferences.
If you are referring to Garritan (and not Garrison), also here we need more details about what your particular issue is.
(And just to be clear: you purchased Garritan from Make Musik, and not from Steinberg, but people are here to help, with clear explained issues, all former Finale users )
Do you mean “Garritan”?
The ARIA Player should be readily accessible within Dorico’s Play mode; and you can load instruments there in the usual way.
I’ve provided a lot of information and files about using Garritan, mostly GPO5, here:
I do mean Garritan —i just couldn’t get my phone to leave it be.