Improvements Dorico Should make, please

change text - Text of system

position - tempo and segno of repeat

Segno 2, space segno and number very long

Multimeasure japones, please urgent (made in Finale)

Guides, no sign of repetition

Create repeat bar- types of bars

Slur Prolonged in second box

Silence of score-parts, measure 1/4

The position of tempo and dal segno sign you can easily move in Engrave mode by clicking and using the mouse. I’m far from being professional music engraver but somehow feel it makes sense the way Dorico sets it genuinly.

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Finale gives these options, for its location on the staff

Fisdel, can you explain your first screenshot, please? You have two different text items (highlighted in purple). What do they mean?

I want to change from normal text to system text

You can cut (cmd-X), alt-shift-X (to enter system text), cmd-V to paste. Would that work for you?
There’s no global command for that, AFAIK.

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