Inputting lyrics in primer-level piano music

I am working on a set of Hanukkah pieces for a primer-level piano student playing in C-position. As in many primer pieces, the melody often switches between left and right hand mid-phrase. I’m new to Dorico. Despite watching several tutorials and digging through the Dorico forums, I haven’t found a way to input lyrics between staves during Write mode; and moving lyrics during Engrave mode causes other problems (such as colliding extended hyphens with the lyrics attached to other staves – and I need to keep extended hyphens for melisma, so eliminating them entirely isn’t a good option). So, two questions:

  1. Is there a way to input lyrics between staves when the melody switches between bass & treble clef? perhaps a way to attach lyrics to the caret/rhythm rather than the melody itself?

  2. It may be simpler (and more attractive) to give up on that, and to present the lyrics in poetic form instead. On the Steinberg website and in tutorials, I see that I should be able to create a text frame; but in Engrave mode, I can’t find the “Frames” option at all! I’m not seeing it in any toolbars (though I can find a “format music frames” option), and I’m not seeing it in any drop-down menus. I must be looking in the wrong place, but have no clue where I should be looking. Please help! How do I simply create a block of text?

Just as an initial answer, a short thread here:
Create space between staves to write text (not lyrics!)?
and following on from there:

Shift-X for adding text

Frames, Engrave right panel, Page templates

If you have an example of how you want it to look this would probably help someone answer related to lyrics or using text instead.

Example of primer-level piano piece with lyrics, demonstrating how the melody moves from staff to staff mid-phrase but the lyrics stay between them:

I’d definitely prefer to do something like this if possible, since it’s what most beginners are used to seeing at the studio I work in. I just don’t know if the formatting is worth the trouble it might take!

In terms of the articles and forum thread you linked, thanks; those were among the ones I mentioned I’d looked through. That said, I don’t seem to have a right-hand zone in my Engrave mode at all, regardless of whether I click “Hide/Restore Zones.” That would definitely explain why I can’t find Frames – but restarting the program hasn’t helped. I’ll try rebooting my device next and see if that does it!


Ctrl/Cmd-9 for the right panel (zone)

Can you right-click on those lyrics (bass clef), Paste special, Move to staff above (there is a key command for this there or use Jump).

Unfortunately, restarting didn’t help; I’ve still got nothing in the right-hand zone in Engrave. The arrow flips like it should be expanding a toolbar – but that’s it. I’ll keep poking at it to see if it’s a known issue.

At first blush this seems to be what I’m looking for! A bit fiddly, but better than the alternatives. Thanks.

For Engrave Right Zone, click Engrave mode, then Window menu … near the bottom, “Show right zone”.
This doesn’t work?

You should be able to select all of the bass clef everythings, (one way is select the first note, Edit, select to end of flow), then Filter for lyrics, then do the key command.
(Not sure if there is a quicker way.)
Edit, in other words do this last after you have put in the lyrics for both staves where you want them to occur.

It doesn’t. This is very strange. Command7 and 8 are both working to toggle the left & bottom zones, but 9 shows absolutely nothing; and Window → Show right zone does nothing, either. I’m not finding any similar problem like this in the forums that isn’t simply solved by a command key, but I’ll keep looking…

You only have one monitor? (I have only used one, but there might be differences in what shows where)

Hope you get your right panel working soon.

I would definitely use lyrics to copy this in Dorico:

  • Enter all the notes in RH, and add all the lyrics
  • Select all the notes that belong in LH and move them down with ⌥M
  • Now the syllables for those notes will be misaligned, with no entries in RH. So select those syllables and change them to left-aligned in Properties.
  • Add the fingerings

A few manual adjustments to the note spacing, and it’s looking not bad. Much easier than attaching text to each note!

Hi @knorq , as an exercise for myself I tried to reproduce your example. (I used Inkscape with exported SVG foe the music, to add the image).

The Dorico file contains a mixture of page templates customisation, but also some editing direct in the layout, which leads to page overrides, but for such projects is better to see the positioning of things. I attach the Dorico file in case someone is interested. (and I know: the fingering and lyrics positioning and may deserve some more love. Is just an exercise :slight_smile: ):

Dorico file:
The Butterfly example.dorico (610.9 KB)

Pdf from Inkscape:
01 - Full score - The Butterfly.pdf (190.4 KB)


If someone else suggested this and I misunderstood, I apologize. This strikes me as the simplest way.

  1. Enter the entire melody in the right hand to start.
  2. Type in the lyrics.
  3. Then, where the tune crosses over to the left hand, delete the note in the right hand: the lyrics will stay put in the position you entered them.
  4. Add the missing melody note to the left hand staff.

(And setting all lyrics as left-aligned helps spacing.)
theButterfly.dorico (578.6 KB)