I’m to hear anything, actually. And I note what you are saying : as I previously said, I more or less had the same feeling since a long time, even if nothing was truely supporting it. So, I’ll probably modify my whole setup as you and @mkok are suggesting, one day or another. But still, it doesn’t answer my initial question : in which case the Externally clocked setting has to be used and how comes that, when ticked, the Clock Source one is greyed out (a ‘Word clock only’ setting, maybe…) ? The manual is useless, on the subject.
Just did (with the TosLink cable connections swapped and after adjusting both the ADA-8200 SYNC selector and the Clock Source setting in the UCX control panel, before relaunching Cubase). Result as shown :
The issue remains the same : an Audio processing Load = 0 with no audio of any kind available from Cubase…