Insert (I) bit me again

Not be too contrarian, but I’ve pretty much gotten used to Insert mode. Whenever I turn it on, I always keep reminding myself to turn it off as soon as I don’t need it anymore: quick and surgical. I do think the single-bar proposal by FredGUnn could be really useful.

Otherwise it can indeed be like the old “portable hole” from the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoons.


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My issue isn’t so much not remembering to turn it off, but having it affect music not visible on screen. This makes for an editing nightmare. I’d love a way to narrow the scope of its editing.

I have found this problem to be especially risky and onerous when typing in lyrics. So many times I have mistakenly pressed “i” thinking I was in a lyric popover and looked up to see it in insert mode. I have learned to save a new version before any major operation.

What? Individual responsibility? What an archaic way of approaching life! :laughing:

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So 20th century! :wink:

FWIW insert mode is powerful and useful. Often in review I’ll find that my rhythm isn’t right for the phrasing in a line. Something will need to be shortened or lengthened, in this case it’s Insert mode to the rescue.

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Future versions of Dorico will provide additional capabilities for Insert mode, as we’ve always intended: the ability to insert not only into the current voice, but into all voices on the current instrument, or even across all instruments; the ability to lengthen the current bar (i.e. changing its effective time signature) rather than push material into following bars (ideal for chant, cadenzas, and so on). We are also planning to add a means of specifying an extent for Insert mode operations, so you can designate a point beyond which you don’t want any music to be shifted, which will then result in any music that would otherwise pass that threshold being deleted.


This all sounds great, thanks Daniel!

That’s great indeed! Thank you for this good news

Those are great news!
I would suggest using an approach like Pro Tools does. In Pro Tools there is Shuffle mode, which basically does the same. If you know you’re not going to use it or you fear you might accidentally activate it, you can lock it, by command-clicking on it. That way, Shuffle mode is inaccessible. For me, that’s more elegant than a warning with a “Do not show again”, because even seasoned users may stumble with the I while writing something thinking there’s a popover, just because you didn’t type Shift or you released it (happened to me several times).

It would help me if the note was not highlighted after a revision e.g if I highlight notes for transposing & move on without cancelling I can get original notes transposed twice without realising. Could we have an edit program & limit it to one bar at a time ,which has been suggested.

Great to hear! I’m looking forward to the expansion of the tool.

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Same for me too.

These features all sound amazing!

This is fine as long as you remember what it was. In a complex orchestral score in which Insert has been on for a while, this isn’t so useful.


Normally I wouldn’t suggest something outside the usual design of a system such as Dorico, but this potentially dangerous function can be too easily be inadvertently triggered and cause an unusual amount of hard-to-find-and-fix trouble. It has ruined more than one otherwise pleasant Dorico session for me. If I ruled the world, this function would begin with a warning dialog. That dialog box could contain a “Don’t ask again” box to satisfy those who would prefer it.

…from George Rezendez’ guitar teacher: “Your left hand tells me what you know; your right hand tells me who you are.”


And maybe some configurable elapsed-time/entered-bars warning could appear after Insert was engaged. In the flow of composition it is easy for me to forget.


On more than one occasion I’ve been “in the zone” and forgot to turn off Insert mode. Very painful to undo. So yeah - I could go for that. Even better if it would blink. :grin:

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I think I have a solution, at least for myself.
I set the key command to Shift-Control-Option-Command-I. Pretty hard to hit that by mistake, which has been my problem.