Thanks for that. I just tried it… still doesn’t appear in the body of the comment.
Oh well… onward.
That’s why I said …
I didn’t like it at first. However, many posters never included a signature. That obviously has not changed. And if they did, many times it included so much annoying and irrelevant information that it was mind torturing to see a page worth of useless information every time they made a five word post. Do you really need to tell me about every guitar you own, every VST plugin you own, every piece of outboard gear you own, the history of your musical training, what kind of dog you have and how many times it has diarrhea per month, why I should think of you as a God, etc.
Okay, I might be getting slightly carried away there, but it is slightly cleaner this way given that useless space is used to the maximum and signatures in every post would make it even worse.
I think the only thing I like better about the new forums is the ease of posting images.
I agree about the overuse of signatures. I found it annoying sometimes too.
But the vast majority of users just included the important stats. And when Steinberg eliminated the platform specific sub-forums back in the early 2000s it was the only way to reference the relevance of a thread.
Now it’s just a free-for-all.
I’d be happy with the ability to tag and search by platform.
Thanks for the response.
PS - Another thing I do like about the new forum is that I can log in when reading a thread I’d like to comment on and after log-in I’m still on that thread.
Before if you logged in while reading a thread you were bumped to the top of the forum and had to hunt down the thread you were reading.
It’s the little things.
I used to post here on a regular basis but after they switched I really don’t like this forum anymore.
I tried but it’s confusing and hard to search for anything and you don’t see any info about the poster anymore.
It’s like twitter. Just text and icons, but no soul. So I basically quit posting!
The old forum was way better and way more personal!
I hope their new licensing system is more successful? For all our sakes!
It’s really not that bad if you can adapt to a few things.
There’s no hierarchy really, instead, there are categories which replaced the main subforums, and tags used for specificity.
So instead of the old way of posting an FR to the Cubase Forum> Feature Request subforum, such a post would go in the Cubase Category, tagged with feature-request.
Clicking on usernmaes broings up User Profile stuff if the person added things. Personally I’m happy to not need to scroll past 13 inch long sigs listing every device user ever owned
It’s not a total love-fest for me with the new forum, but I do like it better. Also, for moderation it is light years ahead of the old phpBB forums.
Check out the Forum Guide I put together.
design is nice, infinite ajax loading is not