Is Steinberg Houston still supported in Cubase 13 Pro?

Can anybody please confirm that the “Steinberg Houston” controller integration is still available in Cubase 13 Pro?
For me this is a major criteria in order to decide if I’m going for the update from Cubase 12 Pro or not. Thanks in advance for your information.


Thanks, Steve. Good news for me. :slight_smile:

It was working great on 12 but I am having a hard time to get nuendo 13 to recognize the Houston. Looks as if it DOES communicate with it because using the small Houston window in nuendo, I can change the selection from the mixer to the busses and to the instruments (lights respond on the Houston) but the main screen is unaffected and the faders don’t move the faders on the screen. I wonder if i am missing a setting where sysex is disabled… Will experiment a little bit more