Is This The Bug Of The Decade?

Nearly a day and no replies giving system specs and just on a whim and against my usual rule I had a look at Suntower’s past posts.
Quite a lot of things drive him “nuts”, some of them for a very long while. And I could only be bothered to look at two pages.
For a professional with an IT background there sure isn’t much that I’d expect in system detail.

If you’re always getting wet read the manual for your umbrella. :mrgreen:

I’ve tried to reproduce this problem, but haven’t been able to. It’s just one of these things that occurs now and then, atleast for me. So considering I haven’t been able to reproduce the problem after a couple days of intensive use of Cubase, I think it’s fair to say that -for me personally- it isn’t a major issue…but it does exist nonetheless. :smiley:

Wouldn’t get my hopes up for Steinberg to solve it, and I couldn’t really blame them as it’s very hard to reproduce and doesn’t happen all that frequent. So it won’t be high up the todo list.

However, the argument that it isn’t a bug because it can’t be reprocuded with a couple of simple steps is beyond silly. I should try that next time one of my clients calls me with a -hard to reproduce- problem…just tell them it ain’t a bug and hang up…hehe. :mrgreen:

To say something’s a bug because it happens every five years and you can’t quite remember when, where, or what it does is equally silly.
I step in dog do no more often but wouldn’t even think of complaining to the council about bad road maintenance. :mrgreen:
And if I rang a company up to complain about this vague anomally I’d expect them to hang up.
You have acomputer. Things go wrong. Get real or get over it.