Issue VST Connect SE can't receive Performer's video

True, the bug only occurs with the SE version, we are working on a version that fixes this.


Thank you for letting us know.

For now I will work along with a video call until the next update.


Any updates on this? we’ve used VST connect se on my pc with my songwriting partner who is running performer on a mac and confident on configuration as we have had full success using it in the past but in last year I can not receive video from performer. I believe we are both on most current version, and that was first thing we checked.

Hi @hikarateboy,

we have fixed it with VST Connect SE 5.5.41 - have you installed it? You can download it directly in the Steinberg Download Assistent. Select the “VST Cloud” tile and choose “VST Connect (SE) 5.5”

Does it work now?

Yes, I confirm this issue has been fixed, however users need to install the update manually.
I don’t know if it has been attached to the new Cubase 12.0.60 or not?

… VCON 5.5.41 is now part of Cubase 12.0.60


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Sorry for the late response. YES! fixed. I guess that the issue here is that I didnt think that I would need to download updates outside of cubase in downloader as VST Connect originally installed with cubase so that was not clear. Im good now and working as expected. thanks so much for the quick response. Great tool.