Nice forum.
But it seems we have lost all old links.
Everything we search in Google, points us to old forum. More - every link in old posts here are pointed to old forum. It means that if Google will index this new forum, it won’t change the content that contains old links. I suppose that there should be at least redirection in .htaccess file - any old links could be transferred to new on the fly rather than change million of historical posts here
if you search on the recent posts (today) - there is a workaround
Nop. I was searching old posts for nuances in Dorico. There are good posts, but not available to read. After searching them in Google and links are broken, I search the same here and some of posts are available.
Arthur - let me help you with that search
How to visit links which target old forum?
Do you mean I should change Cubase’s startup picture?
Seriously - now links are redirected, but when I wrote, this redirection didn’t work. Now all links with all elements in it works perfectly.
The links to the old forums should all now redirect here correctly. Please do PM me with any links that aren’t redirecting correctly for you.
I see. It works perfectly. Thank you!