Locator moves when changing tempo

In that case I must not understand. Could you express it in the format described in How to format a bug report?

Wait a sec… are you talking about Locators or Markers? The marker track can be in either Time Linear or Musical time domain.

“cycle locators” is not a term in Cubase.

From bug report format: “…Before you post a new report, use the search function to see if it was already reported…”
But it was reported in this very topic, so I’m continue here.

Actually “cycle” have two locators - left and right

Clarifying the bug further: please consider following images. One before tempo change and one after. Note the ruler settings and the tempo.

Is your track and events set to Musical Mode?

Its MIDI events on the Instruments tracks.
In the project there are no audio tracks or events.
But even if they were - how is it connected with cycle moving away from its bars?

UPD: I can probably upload this project, which causes such cycle behavior. But before opening it, please also note, that there still no other cure as to delete “defaults.xml” with obvious consequences.

I just looked at the screenshots again. I’m sorry, I don’t know.

Your primary time display is set to time code, so the locators are in Time code as well, and they will stay on the same positions in time.
Change it to bars and beats and make sure the instrument channel is set to musical time base.

A second ruler would help to find out what is happening.

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Thank you VERY much. It did the trick.
Not the bug then, but the project related pref.
Didn’t notice it, as usually checking the position on the ruler only.
Second ruler wouldn’t help, I saw that cycle binds to timecode, and wrote about it, but was hypnotized by the ruler “bars+beats” value.