Long click on Toolbox

When bringing up the Toolbox by right clicking in the Project Window, I used to be able to select tool variants by holding down both right and left mouse button for about a second.

Doing the same in Cubase 14 has no effect.


Why did you hold both, left and right buttons? Only left mouse button long click is required. It works for me here in Cubase 14.0.5.

Also the scrub/play tool defaults to scrub. Is there a way to have the play as default tool?


Switch over to the Play tool and it will remains.

Yes but for the time, it defaults to scrub upon reopening a project. So, my question as stated above is can it default to “play” state?


The selected tool is not part of the Project. You get the last tool, you were using before you open the project. It’s a global settings, not project-related.

but every time i use play as my last tool and then it defaults to scrub tool upon reopening. i can make a video and also a new topic if i am hijacking this one.

Just tried this on laptop and works as you say, but i get the wrong behaviour in studio’s pc. I will try it again when I get there and make a new topic. thanks for your help

Because if I let go of the right mouse button, the toolbox disappears.

Did you try on Windows? I’m using Windows 10.
I just tested again and it is definitely not working for me.

Is anyone else able to replicate this issue?

Hi, yes indeed it disappears.
I have to hold down right-click and left-click in order to be able to choose between multi-function tools.
Working good on C12

Were you able to test this in Cubase 14? Do you get the drop-down list after a long click?

sorry I am still on 12

Has this issue/bug been logged or acknowledged?

I made a screen recording of the current behaviour in case my description was not clear.
Long Click
Red circle = Right click
Yellow circle = Left click

Confirmed here.
The Toolbox in the Toolbar is fine, but the right-click Toolbox is dodgy.

(Win 10, i7-5820K, 64 Gb RAM, RME Babyface.)


It will be fixed soon in an update.

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I too suffer from this symptom.

And I am still skeptical that Steinberg will really fix this bug.

The reason is that the new bugs, such as the one in 13, were completely neglected and were not fixed at all in 14.
I would also like to report that the old VCA fader tempo change bug has also been left alone forever.

What I would like to ask Steinberg to do is to address these bugs seriously before new features.

I really hope they will fix it.


Issue resolved in v14.0.10.

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