Mac Monterey 12.6.9 no longer recognizing the UR824


I’ve recently upgraded to Monterey 12.6.9 from the previous version, and the UR824 is no longer recognized by the system. dspMixFx_UR824 can see it, but not the system’s out controls and Sound control panel. Dorico can’t see it, as well.

Any idea of how to solve it? I’ve reinstalled the latest software, checked with the extension authentication, restarted the Mac, but there is no chance I can let it see the audio interface.


Maybe my problem is not due to kext authentication. This is what the Mac system profiler says:


  Versione:	3.1.4
  Ultima modifica:	04/11/22, 05:53
  ID bundle:
  Autenticata:	Sì
  Caricata:	No
  Ottenuta da:	Sviluppatore identificato
  Tipo:	Universale
  Architetture:	arm64e, x86_64
  64 bit (Intel):	Sì
  Posizione:	/Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio314.kext
  Versione kext:	3.1.4
  Caricabile:	Sì
  Dipendenze:	Soddisfatte
  Firmata da:	Developer ID Application: Yamaha Corporation (5LE7A8CF65), Developer ID Certification Authority, Apple Root CA

It says that the extension is authenticated (and there is also the Yamaha ID: 5LE7A8CF65 I was looking for).

But it is not loaded. Why not? How to make the system load it?


Where should the Yamaha driver be installed on a Mac (Monterey)?

In some manuals I find that it should be inside System/Library/Extensions/.

In my system is, and apparently has always been, inside /Library/Extensions/.

Is this correct? It worked, until the latest OS update.


I’ve tried manually loading the Yamaha driver, by typing

sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio.kext

This didn’t work, and resulted in the following error (line breaks added for easier readability):

Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio.kext

Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=71 "Loading extension failed: Unable to create extension from bundle: codeless (missing CFBundlePackageType) bundle (nil) at /Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio.kext" 

UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Loading extension failed: Unable to create extension from bundle: codeless (missing CFBundlePackageType) bundle (nil) at /Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio.kext}

What does it mean?


My Mac system profilers says this about the disabled driver:

No user, consent, but spctl kext-consent list says the Yamaha team is allowed (even too much: it is now listed twice, after my latest attempt to manually authorize it):


What’s going on?


Still not working, against any logic.

  1. I booted in Recovery mode, and removed the duplicated Team Identifiers with the spctl kext-consent remove command. I then added the Teams again with the spctl kext-consent add command. Now it looks fine with a spctl kext-consent list command:
Allowed Team Identifiers:
  1. Still in Recovery mode, I removed protection to kext loading with the command csrutil enable --without kext. This should be still safe against external attacks. It is deprecated by Apple as unsupported and risky, but it shouldn’t be until I stay in Monterey.

  2. I uninstalled, then reinstalled the Yamaha driver v3.1.4. Rebooted the Mac twice.

  3. I set the UR824 to normal mode. dspMixFx can see it. The Mac can’t. The Yamaha driver is still listed among the disable softwares, to which I didn’t give consent. The Terminal says otherwise.

So, I’ve gone under the hood, but the issue persists. Any hint would be really appreciated.


Just updated to Monterey 12.7.0, and after a few minutes trying between the Sound Preferences, the System Profiler, the Terminal, the UR824 (normal mode) reappeared to the system.

Maybe this OS update, issues just ten days after the previous, has fixed what was broken?


OK, so I updated to 12.7 but I haven’t yet been able to connect to my UR824. Any suggestions on specific ways to get there?

I don’t know exactly. All I’ve done is to connect my Mac and UR824 with a USB cable. Install the dedicated Steinberg Tools (the latest ones for Monterey also include the latest Yamaha driver).

The UR824 appeared as a system sound device, and could be seen by the dedicated dspMixFx console.

If the software works, it should be all it has to be done.


I figured it out. Cubase tells us about it in the download instructions. Mac put in a new ‘Security and Privacy’ step where you have to give permission for the driver to be recognized.

I’ve installed the new Yamaha driver v3.1.6, together with the new MacOS Monterey 12.7.1.

As a result, the UR284 disappeared again from the Mac. dspMixFx could see it. All was again as I described in my early posts.

Installing the Yamaha driver v3.1.4 solved the issue. The Mac can now see the UR248.

I’ve no idea if this issue was caused by the Yamaha driver of the OS update, but the previous Yamaha driver works fine, so I tend to suspect the new driver.

I could do another test, installing the driver v3.1.6 again, but I’m frankly too afraid to break something that is now working. So, I’ll leave it to Steinberg and Yamaha, if they want.

It’s not really new, since this has been happening for some MacOS versions, now. The procedure described by Steinberg didn’t work in my system, since the Allow button never appeared. But I allowed it manually, as described in this thread. So, that’s not the problem in my case.


On M1 studio you have to enable Kext/ vendor in the. recovery screen. Then you get the options in the help page ( they need to update that :slight_smile: ) - it might be a Silicon thing


I stupidly forgot this thread, and updated the Yamaha driver (3.1.6). The Mac could still see the UR824 connected, but can’t see it as an audio device. dspMixFx can see and use it.

In class compliant mode, the Mac can see it. Back to normal mode, it can no longer.

I tried to reinstall the Yamaha driver v3.1.4, after having deinstalled the newer one, and nothing: still the UR824 isn’t available for the Mac or the apps as an audio device.

The Yamaha driver is authorized on my system, as has for years.

This is a true disaster. I would sob for help, if it would serve to get some solution.


Again, I’ve tried all I described above. This time I was not as lucky, and the UR824’s driver continues to be ignored by the Mac. It’s not a hardware issue, since in class compliant mode it works. It’s just that the driver doesn’t talk with the Mac OS.

I’m incredibly enamored of how this audio interface sounds, that I would like to continue using it. But I admit that since the year I’ve bought it I’ve had to buy two other audio interfaces, and to suggest some audio interfaces at work,. And none of them was a Steinberg. I simply don’t trust their software.

And we are always left alone with our problems, with never an answer or a hint on how to solve our issues from the developers.

How I spent my week-end.

Retried all the above.

Uninstalled the Yamaha driver 3.1.6.

In Recovery mode, cleaned the kext-consent list (spctl kext-consent remove 56E7A8CF657).

Reinstalled the Yamaha driver. No success with the UR824.

Uninstalled the Yamaha driver.

Reinstalled MacOS Monterey.

Reinstalled the Yamaha driver. No success with the UR824.

Uninstalled the Yamaha driver.

In Recovery mode, removed the kext protection (crsutil enable --without kext).

Reinstalled the Yamaha driver. No success with the UR824.

Enabled the kext protection again.

No chance to make the Allow button appear in the Privacy and Security control panel. In any case, the Yamaha Team should already be allowed in my system (the spctl kext-consent list command gives me “Allowed Team Identifiers: 5LE7A8CF65” as the answer).

So, the UR824 is declared compatible with Monterey, but I can’t say that it is. It may or may not, depending on mysterious conditions.

But I’m sure the Steinberg team will be soon back with a solution.


Tried cleaning everything related to the Yamaha driver again, and then reinstall. Cleaned the PRAM. Removed the manually added ID from the kext-consent list.

After reinstalling, rebooting the Mac, disconnecting and reconnecting the UR824, turning it on again, it was again visible by dspMixFx but not by the OS.

Executing the following command:

sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio316.kext

Gave me the following error:

Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load -p /Library/Extensions/YamahaSteinbergUSBAudio316.kext

Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=27 "Extension with identifiers not approved to load. Please approve using System Preferences." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Extension with identifiers not approved to load. Please approve using System Preferences.}

Once again, when the Privacy & Security control panel appeared, there was no Allow button to click.

I also tried with:

sudo touch /Library/Extensions

waiting for the Allow button to appear. No way.

Have you removed it from the audio midi studio ?

I had the same problem as you but I know I had to switch off also. and then switch on after the Mac boots and connect it directly to the Mac. you have probably tried all this :frowning:

I finally got it to work - there is some setting in the macOS. I found it on the Focusrite site I think or reddit

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When the Mac can’t see the audio interface as a system sound device, it doesn’t appear in Audio MIDI Setup as well.

When doing my tests, I usually disconnect the USB cable on the UR side. I’ll then reconnect it after having reinstalled the driver. However, I’ve noticed that when the UR is switched off, there is no difference between having it connected or not. This recommendation is probably for the models with not physical power switch.

I’ll check Reddit, even if I fear I’ve now exhausted all the available literature on the web…


Something I could find is that two of the previous Yamaha drivers are listed in the Disabled Software section of the System Profiler.

Since they share the same Team ID as the subsequent driver, one may suspect they are blocking the authorization of the following versions.

I know that I could work for some time with driver v3.1.4, now appearing without consent. At the same time, I manually added the Yamaha Team ID to the kext-consent list.

When I installed driver v3.1.6, something broke. The Disabled Software list took precedence over the kext-consent list. Maybe something did happen with the subsequent updates of Monterey.

Reinstalling Monterey from a freshly downloaded installer didn’t clean this mess.

This is what Apple says about situations like this:

This is a security feature built into the macOS and will require an update from the developer in order to use the software. We’d recommend that you work with the software developer directly as they’re best suited to assist you.

So, it seems only Steinberg and Yamaha can solve it.

I am not a Mac person ( xxxx years PC and Linux ) no Macs since college so bear with me.

I had do a recovery boot. enable something to do with Kext reboot and then the unlock is available otherwise you can’t enable Kext / install the drivers

I will try and find the exact stuff … I had to enable a Firewire driver for Focusrite thats how I found how to do it .