"Made With Dorico"

For anyone who has “recently joined us”, I just thought I would draw attention to some of the things that people have created with Dorico, and some of the results that you can achieve with it, which might offer some encouragement. :grin:

There is a ‘made-with-dorico’ tag, which you can search for:

Most of these have focused on new Compositions or Audio renderings; so it might be useful to showcase some of the results you can achieve on the printed page.

Here’s an attempt I made to ‘match’ a page of Henle plate engraving:
Page to Plate2.pdf (2.0 MB)

Also, my recent “Big Book of Anglican Chant”, which features over 600 psalm chants, each as a separate flow. The entire book was made without any manual layout work whatsoever! (The prelim pages were made in Affinity, but using data exported from Dorico to create the index.) There’s a handful of Voice Order changes to some of the notes and maybe 5 minor Note Spacing adjustments.

For something a bit different, here’s my rendering of Palestrina partbooks:

If anyone else has anything to add, please do so. Things like @dan_kreider 's Hymnals are well worth a look.


Speaking of hymnals, I engraved the Divine Office hymnal in Dorico. (GIA Publications - The Divine Office Hymnal).

As each text is presented with both a metrical and plainsong tune, Dorico’s support for open meter was great. The horizontal spacing tool of engrave mode was also so much better to work with than the equivalent in Finale.

The efficiency of Dorico can’t be understated for me… my total time for engraving was about 112 hours.

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Ben, where did you get that paper?

I have a python script that puts a background tint on PDFs.
