I have a lot of markers in Cubase and I need to get them into wavelab. I’ve tried exporting the marker tracks as XML but wavelab can’t read them.
Anyone got any smart ideas?
I have a lot of markers in Cubase and I need to get them into wavelab. I’ve tried exporting the marker tracks as XML but wavelab can’t read them.
Anyone got any smart ideas?
So in case anyone is reading this in the future, I came up with a horrible workaround to solve this problem, it doesn’t deal with marker names, but at least gets them all in the right place…
I created a little macro in cubase to convert the markers to cycle markers (essentially with the cursor on the first marker, set left locator, move to next event, set right locator, create cycle marker). Assign a shortcut and hold that shorcut down until it’s done all the markers.
Then, I muted everything and exported those cycle markers as silent audio files. Then I imported all those audio files into the wavelab montage and used cd wizard to create markers.
It’s insane to me that there isn’t a quicker way to make this happen, or that the two xml marker formats for wavelab and cubase respectively can’t talk to one another, but at least I now have my several thousand markers in the right place!!
Hope this is useful to someone!
I really wonder sometimes, why simple when it can be complicated?! Even Sonic Fondry/Sony Vegas 15+ years ago had an option, save markers to a file when rendering. I think Adobe Audition also has that option.
Once upon a time, I worked at a radio station as a sound recordist, editor, and we used Sound Forge and Vegas a lot, Forge for recording and editing, and Vegas for mixing jingles, commercials, shows, anything that required more than two or three channels. And everything worked, well decent… I don’t use those programs anymore since MAGIX bought Forge/Vegas. I switched to Cubase/Wavelab and sometimes I miss some things from Forge/Vegas. I really don’t know why Steinberg didn’t include a save markers when rendering to file option.
By the way, my workaround of inserting markers from Cubase is to take a screenshot of the marker list, with timing of each marker, and then manually insert it into Wavelab
I’m also looking for this feature.
My freelance editor works with wavelab. OK, nice, also steinberg, so I presumed I can export wavefiles with markers from my cubaseproject to wavelab.
So I have a recorded an audiobook in a cubase project with 1235 markers.
IMHO it’s ridiculous to insert those timestamps manually, i can’t get those markers from cubase into wavelab? Is there another workaround?
@Christof_Elsinghorst , @sofke and @auburnjamjoe - Keep an eye on new major WL12 release out tomorrow (24th Jan).!
Perhaps the teams will have been communicating together during development and this area (marker sharing) has had a revisit too…
WaveLab 12 can import markers from CSV files, hence from applications that can export them in this was. This includes Nuendo, Reaper, SpectraLayers, and probably others. But Cubase 13 does not have this feature.
Thanks @PG1
Ok - so sadly, a workflow ‘Feature’ that’s been known, asked for and not actioned (by the Cubase team.!) for around 12 years now…
Export Markers to CSV or Text? - Cubase - Steinberg Forums