Midi remote motorised faders not working

Hi - Windows 10 with all updates on PC with no other issues.
Midas M32 console.
Cubase 12, initial release.

To use M32 faders as midi remote for 32 channels of fader/mute/pan


  • Console configured to send and receive midi program change, & fader positions.
  • Console midi via USB or Midi in/out ports (Tried both)


  1. Create new Cubase project, and add audio channels (I used 4 in this test - have also tried 32)
  2. Create new midi remote panel (for the M32)
  3. Add a few faders (I used faders 1 to 4) by moving each fader
  4. -Assign each fader to Mixer channel VOLUME parameter for that channel (ie; 1, 2, 3, 4 etc)
  5. Complete the assignments and exit the midi remote window.

Faders are ā€˜stuckā€™. Moving any fader results in it fighting you, and snapping back to itā€™s original position when you let it go.

Observations -
Disabling MIDI receive on the console, allows control of the cubase mixer channels, however the faders are in the wrong position when the project is opened, and as soon as you move one of the physical faders the Cubase channel fader snaps to the position of the Physical fader. Of course no faders are controlled by Cubase in this configuration so rewinds etc do not position the physical faders to where they should be when you stop.

Hope this helps - happy to add any further information if itā€™s needed.


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What exactly does this mean, please? Does it send Program Change for the Touch Fader and then other MIDI Message (Controller or the Pitch Bend?) as the position? How did you learn the MIDI Message to the Manager?

I think youā€™re probably experiencing this known and reported problem with the MIDI Remote and apparently a fix is on the way:

Hi Martin,
The console has a tab in the setup screen that has check boxes - For ā€˜sendā€™ midi, and ā€˜Receiveā€™ midi.
Iā€™m not with the console right now, but from memory they are something like
Midi CC
Fader Possition

This gives me the capability to tell the copnsole to (for example) send fader positions over midi, but not receive them, and vis versa.
Of course - to be a control surface, the console needs to send AND receive this data as itā€™s the only way to know where to put the faders (from Cubase), and send fader positions when they are changed (to Cubase)

Iā€™d assume an X32 would be identical, however you know what assumptions do! :slight_smile: .

Thanks for t he reply.

Hi Nico,
Thanks, and you may be right, however (as I discussed in that thread), Iā€™m not sure the short term, or even the long term proposed solution will do the trick.

What is frustrating is that when the console is configured as a controls surface (where it can allocate the 8 master faders to emulate a Mackie HUi or whatever), the faders work perfectly with Cubase. Itā€™s just the lure of having 32 available so I could use the desk for mixing is strong! Iā€™m really looking forward to it.



How did you assign the MIDI Message in the script, please?

Hi Martin
No scripting for me- I just used the midi remote windows in Cubase.



If you use the MIDI remote Manager, there is the message: ā€œMove a control on your MIDI controllerā€. Iā€™m afraid, if the fader on the hardware sends:

  • Touch
  • Fader Position
  • Release
    messages, you mapped the Release MIDI message instead of the Fader Position MIDI Message.

Could this be the case?

Hi again Martin
Anything could be the case! Iā€™m not sure what is sent. All I know is the problems sorry.


HI Martin,

Hereā€™s the remote config window on the console.
In the ā€˜Midi Receiveā€™ and ā€˜Midi Transmitā€™ sections, if I enable Fader POS CC in both, the faders lock up. If I disable Fader pos CC in ā€˜Midi receiveā€™, the faders control Cubase ok, but Cubase doesnā€™t control the fader positions.

Hope that helps.

I should add that I have tried disabling ā€˜prog. Changeā€™ in both Midi Receive and Transmit with no change in behaviour.


As far as I can see, Fader position is not received. So if you change the volume in Cubase, the hardware is not in sync anymore.

But I was talking about Cubase.

Can you use any MIDI Monitor application to find out, if the hardware sends the touch fader messages, please?

Hi again Martin,
I setup a midi monitor, and here is what comes from the desk when I move faders 1,then 2, then, 3, then 4 up a little.
B0 00 00
B0 00 00
B0 00 00
B0 00 00
B0 01 00
B0 01 00
B0 01 00
B0 01 00
B0 02 00
B0 02 00
B0 02 00
B0 02 00
B0 02 00
B0 02 00
B0 03 00
B0 03 00
B0 03 00
B0 03 00
B0 03 01
B0 03 01
B0 03 01


OK, there is no rich fader message.

But as I wrote, you should enable Fader receive to keep the hardware in sync.

Hi again,
Correct - but if I do the faders lock up!



Then Iā€™m afraid, you are affected by the issue Nico5 linked.

ā€¦ and after some testing of the new 12.0.10 release Iā€™m afraid (and quite disappointed), that it does not seem to solve the problem:

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Confirming the issue is not resolved with 12.10. Bummer.


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Soā€¦ from here what happens?
Are the Steinberg team looking at this issue? It would be good to know if thereā€™s a plan and a way forward with this.

Still not fixed with 12.0.20
Hereā€™s a video of the fader behaviour;

Hi @Pauly, please stick to the ā€œgood oldā€ Mackie HUI or Mackie Control integration. We will address the issue regarding motorised faders within the next couple of months.