Attached is a score showing a Guitar stave, with a Cue (the really high notes).
I’ve set the first note in the Guitar part to finger 1 in “Fingering and Positions” in the properties panel, but I can’t get it to show. I haven’t switched on any other properties (like changing the default position).
Some (but not all) other notes with fingerings display their fingerings correctly.
I found that if I delete the Cue, the fingering reappears; if I then Undo, the Cue comes back, and all of the fingerings display properly.
I’d love to know how to avoid this problem.
Attaching a cut-down, obfuscated score as well.
FingeringIssue.dorico (1.0 MB)
I’m afraid this is a bug, which we’ll need to look into. You can work around it somewhat awkwardly, by deleting the cue and then immediately undoing its deletion. You should then be able to export your PDF or print the layout with the fingerings showing correctly. However, the next time you open the project, you’ll have to delete and undo the deletion of the cue again.
On a different aspect of obfuscation, what font is that? The black note heads are running over the staff lines, creating doubt as to what note is intended. That’s a no-no.
Thanks Daniel, I’m happy to use the workaround for the time being.
The font is called “The Copyist”, and it’s provided by NorFonts.
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I like the style, for that purpose. But since the noteheads are so large to begin with, it should be used with “Default noteheads” rather than “Larger noteheads” in Dorico. That would prevent them from going outside the staff lines.
I believe I’m using the default noteheads. Is there reason to think I’m (inadvertently) using larger noteheads?
I can make an update to The Copyist font’s black-head note.
@dspreadbury can we have a feature like “Rotate symbol” in Engrave mode? That would help a lot, Sibelius already featured this. Thanks.
@falhousen To resize the black-note head, please try these new settings in your score:
If you’re using Dorico 4 try “Library” menu / “Export Library…” then save as The Copyist, in case you want to use resized black-note heads.
Yes: Check the first setting in Engraving Options > Notes. “Larger noteheads” are the (actual) default in Dorico, as opposed to the socalled “Default noteheads” which are the designed size. Since “The Copyist” has quite large noteheads to begin with, you don’t want them enlarged further.
Thanks, I just confirmed that I have been using the “Default size noteheads” option in Engraving Options|Notes|Noteheads. I must have set that as my Default some time back.
Cool, I’ll give this a go, thanks.
That would be great, thanks! Will that cover it? Or do hollow noteheads need the same adjustment?
Anyway, I might come with an update of The Copyist where I will change the look of the Black-notehead. Will keep you tuned.
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