MusGlyphs: Bravura for writing in time signatures and other glyphs

Omg, is the slash notation new? I can now type out an entire (admittedly very simple) lead sheet in MusGlyphs in MS Word! :relaxed:


Edit: Although it might be easier and faster to use Doricoā€¦ :rofl:
Edit 2: Please, Dan, next time youā€™re looking at MusGlyphs, take care of that half note stem for meā€¦ :innocent:

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Brilliant, Dan - really useful and both the accompanying material and the video guide were excellent. Duly bought.

Iā€™ve just gone through the same routine you did in the video, using Mac Pages (11.0). Everything worked as it should without the need for changing ligature settings. The only change I had to make was to turn off Capitalising words automatically in Pages / Preferences.

Seriously impressed. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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This is the kind of tool that makes me think: how could I possibly live without it before? Thanks for your efforts, Dan! I guess at the beginning the project mainly had the time signatures in focus, but then grew fast with all kinds of additions. But now I agree with high5th: keep it the way it is. Small is beautiful!


Today I tried this:

Which of course is nonsense, but it did make me think there are a lot more possible applications for a version that includes full Roman character support.

So I am going to make a Roman version, which Iā€™ll keep totally separate from the original versionā€¦ call it something like MusGlyphs Roman. I need to think about whether to keep everything, or strip it down like you suggested.

Iā€™m also going to make a sans version at some point here, probably using Gothic A1, unless someone else has another recommendation for a better sans font thatā€™s published under OFL.

Cross-posted on Facebook btw.


Just checked MusGlyphs Roman as Tempo marking (after replacing the corresponding font).
Absolutely terrific!
Alignments with others tempo markings preserved and no more limitations.
Wow. A bold version would be a godsend, too.

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I donā€™t know if ā€˜betterā€™, but I prefer Lato.

Thanks very much, Danā€”this is really very useful. Iā€™ve purchased and shall spread the word.

For me, the combinations with hyphens donā€™t work (e.g. microtonal accidentals with arrows, turn-n, etc). Iā€™m using v1.45 on Word 365 on a MacBook Pro. Iā€™ve tried using British and US keyboards.

For the future, if you have time, Iā€™d very much appreciate a few extra tuplet options (5s and 7s would be super-handy, then youā€™ll have covered almost all the usual metric modulations).

@cpower you need to make sure you have enabled ligatures on Word. Have you checked that?

Thanks for the kind words. Iā€™m quite sure it will work as expected once ligatures are turned on.

I thought about adding those modulations, but @fkretlow has done such a thorough job with Metrico that it felt redundant.

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Hi Danā€”I do have ligatures on (set to ā€˜Allā€™) in Format->Font->Advanced. And everything else works great.

Hmm, does nd, nu, bd, etc work? Sounds like itā€™s an older version. Are you running 1.45?

I had to change it to b-u and b-d because Ebdim displayed the ā€œbdā€ downward-arrow-flat. Oops.

Definitely 1.45! Freshly downloaded from Notation Central. nd etc donā€™t work. So thereā€™s something odd here, but itā€™s probably some quirk of Mac or Microsoft trying to be helpful and overriding something. For example, 3/4 (the time signature) appears correctly, then turns into the ā€œthree-quartersā€ fraction when thereā€™s a space afterwards. Iā€™ll find a way of turning that off!

Ah yeah, frustrating. Also, Word always tries to capitalize the first letter of a sentence. :roll_eyes:

Please let me know how you get on. Thanks.

Iā€™ll footle around and try to squash the quirk! Thanks again for your help.

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Really wonderful! I wish I had it when writing my essays at the university! :slight_smile:


Totally agreed and FWIW Iā€™m, extremely grateful to Florian for Metrico - a really useful and important addition to Dorico over the past few years. But now that MusGlyphs has arrived, itā€™s moved things on and I personally would prefer to do this kind of thing with one font as opposed to mixing things up with two.

Well, if Florian doesnā€™t object, Iā€™m happy to add the needed modulations to MusGlyphs. Maybe someone could list the most common ones?

I doubt very much that Iā€™ll be able to create all iterationsā€¦ and in due time, this native functionality will probably come to Dorico. But in the meantime, I can add a few as needed.



Congratulations on this fine realization. I purchased and installed your font. Inserting musical symbols into text has always been a problem for the changes to line spacing. I have always used Dominique Montelā€™s Rousseau font, which exhibits this problem. From the few tests I have run with yours, it appears that one has to experiment until the font size of the group of symbols is small enough to prevent line spacing from being modified.

Furthermore, unless I am wrong, one needs to select each group of symbols, set a font and size, and set all the correct kerning parameters under Font | Advanced for everything to appear as expected. This set of steps is obviously a candidate for a macro.

What is the procedure to download what appear to be frequent updates? Download again for free?

Finally, I would like to point out that the cheat sheet is version 1.45 in the downloaded package, and 1.46 on a Dropbox link in your post of 7 April that was valid a couple of hours ago but has now ceased to be. Is there a permalink to the latest version?

Hi, and thanks. Hmmā€¦ MusGlyphs is intended to correct this exact problem, so the user doesnā€™t have to resize and align. I find any of the typical fonts I use work nicely with MusGlyphs by default. But youā€™re right that line spacing can be an issue. Some of the glyphs are quite tall, so the values for WinAscent and WinDescent (basically, how ā€œtallā€ the font metrics are) are set to large values. I am looking into ways to adjust this automatically, but as you can see on the MusGlyphs product page, it should be possible to make the font play nicely with text.

Also, at least on Word I know itā€™s easy to assign a key command to a particular font, so you can easily switch back and forth.

Regarding kerning: at least in Word, I would recommend simply turning it on and leaving it.

Updates: all ā€œofficialā€ updates will be pushed out through Notation Central, and youā€™ll get an email with a link. Thatā€™s the best way, rather than relying on the Dropbox link, which may disappear at any time, or may link to a beta version that has some issues! The official version is still 1.45. The beta, 1.46, has a few changes that may throw you off a bit, which will be documented in the version history (theyā€™re quite minor).

Oh and by the way, 1.46 will include support for metric modulation, which I think is nearly finished.

Hereā€™s some nonsense, achieved by typing <7e=s5>ā€¦




Thanks for helping me realize that there is a button to set kerning as a default (lower left corner).