Music Symbol Editor - 8va Symbol

i’ve a problem with the music symbol editor.
The 8va is a little bit to large for my eyes and I like to have it a little bit smaller (1)
After adjusting the 8va to ~60% and put it to offset 0/0 (2) nothing happens. It looks like (1) The 8va stays as large as before.
If I scale it down and take the offset as it appears (-1,90 in this case) the 8va and the correspondending line looks quite… unusual :wink: (3, 4)
I think it has something to do with the mysterious attachment arrow? But after fiddling about with this tool I didn’t get any result. So – what I’m doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

I’m going to need to look into this a bit further, as I suspect there’s something funny (possibly wrong) about the way the octave line is picking up the symbol to use at the beginning. I probably won’t be able to look at this in detail for a little while (I’m on holiday until the New Year) but I’ll try if I get a bit of time.

Thanks a lot and nice holidays. :slight_smile:

With apologies for the long delay before I’ve been able to find the time to look at this, I can now tell you what’s going on here. The problem is that the processor that draws octave lines makes an assumption that it will be able to draw the sequence of characters that make up the label at the start of the line using a single font style as a single string. It therefore disregards the scale factor defined in the Music Symbols editor and uses the font style size instead. It would be quite involved to change this, unfortunately, so I think that what we will look to do in future is consider adding a dedicated font style for octave lines, so that you can set the size of the glyphs it chooses to use by editing the size of that font, rather than by trying to scale the individual entries in the Music Symbols editor. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Sorry to bring up an old thread. Just wondering if you have any plans to fix this? Gould recommends that the 8 should be 1½ spaces high. Dorico defaults to 2 spaces high. I would like to follow Gould’s recommendation here.

I’ll just link to one of my own posts from earlier this week: Music Symbol modification? - Dorico - Steinberg Forums