New Cubase LE 4 download

My laptop died that had Cubase LE 4installed on it. Where can I find a link to download it on to my new laptop. Thank you.

Unfortunately, your version is too old (16 years!), Steinberg no longer provides a link to the full download, only various updates.
If your new laptop has an up to date OS, then I very much doubt LE4 would even install, let alone run.
Bite the bullet and buy Elements.

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If you had registered your Cubase LE 4 on your MySteinberg account, you should be eligible to install the latest version of Cubase LE, however you will have to request from Steinberg that the license be converted from the old Soft-eLicenser to the new Steinberg Licensing system.

Cubase LE is no longer “versioned”, in other words, a license for Cubase LE will always allow the “LE” edition of the latest release to be used. See also the following post:

Hi @cosmo_ansaldi ,

