Nivdia claim to have solved DPC issues with latest deriver

Here’s an article about the release of the latest graphics driver claiming to solve Latency Mon DPC spikes .
Nvidia’s New GeForce Driver Claims to Fix DPC Latency Issues | Tom’s Hardware (

After installing the new driver Nvidia are a lot further down the list of processes

And my DPC remains low with no spikes , even leaving it to run for half hour


Yup, been communicating with them regularly about this over the years.

So far so good here.

It’s a little tricky for me now because my new machine is pretty powerful, (not a brag but it was time to build a new machine so ofc I picked mostly top end parts), many of these kind of issues don’t manifest like they do with slightly lower spec machines.

But I’m seeing a small improvement in physical tests and have been since the beta release of this driver.

Good news !
is there a list of supported graphic cards ?
or how should i know if my card is supported ?
i have a laptop, which works ok, but sometimes had DPC spikes, although it doesn’t cut the audio.
but occasionally there are “peak” red light on Cubase audio performance meter
(maybe its related to DPC ? im not sure)

If you go to the Driver download page and enter your graphics card it will tell you
Official Drivers | NVIDIA

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You can disable the nVidia Display Containers unless you’re a hard core gamer and have a lot of hotkey, screen capture, instant chat and other such needs. Your card will work just fine without it running: better even. I ran with it disabled for the last couple years after I looked it up and saw what it was for.
Give it a try and you’ll see.

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i do use some times screen capture and Davinci resolve for video editing.

You can do normal screen caps without it. The nVidia process is for easy “in game” screen caps with a hot key. nVidia write their drivers around gaming not audio or video needs. Over half of their updates are just for optimizations for specific games. Check the release notes.

I always install 'driver only ’ not even the Usb C driver , just the basic displyy driver

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Just tries this for my geforce gt 730 and the highest measured interupt latency is
458 micro s
Highest reported DPC routine runtime execution time 593 micro s.
This is new build with Windows 11
Which windows version would lower this ?

Mines OK until I load the 1 minute 15 seconds then it hits the red in nearly all the horizontal columns.

Just checked again and the pc was OK until I loaded the Nvidia driver.
The dpc value shot up to 593.
So, I’m going to re install Windows 10 and use the microsoft software.

Terrible DPC latency out of nowhere for the past few days. System is 2 years with previously great performance.
What nVidia driver is it that you are referring to here?