No imported text and chord events in the score editor of cubase 14?

I am testing C14.
I have imported a midi song with midi lyrics and midi chords.
Cubase 14 score editor does only display the midi note events.
The tracks with the midi text events and the midi chord events are empty.
What can I do to display the lyrics of the midi file in the score editor?

Without I can not use Cubase 14

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Nobody knows?
Nobody wants to import professional midi files with chords and lyrics and display them in the score editor?
Are you serious that you have to re-enter all the text events and chords into cubase 14?

  1. Are you new to Cubase? Or have you used Cubase 13?
  2. If you have used Cubase 13, does it import MIDI with lyrics?

This thread is in: Cubase14/Score Editor.

I do, but I had the weekend off.

Chords are synchronised with the Chord track. So any imported chords that display in the Chord track will also show in the score. If you find thatā€™s not the case, please provide a few more details.

Lyrics imported from midi donā€™t currently display in the Score Editor. To provide a little background: those lyrics import as text attached to individual notes. However, we arenā€™t able to unambiguously convert them to proper Lyrics, because that functionality is also occupied by expression map entries if they are set as attributes.
Since midi files with Lyrics appear to be less common (Iā€™d be curious what your workflow is, and whether it involves karaoke machines), we felt this was the less disruptive compromise.

Please give our new lyric entry mechanism a try. Find the lyric entry button in the symbol palette. click a note where you want to start entering text. Just type the words, with a dash if itā€™s hyphenated across notes, or space to advance to the next note.

Yes, but the questions from @mhazdra above your post are none the less validā€¦ For example did you have a good experience with C13 (or maybe another app/DAW entirely) regarding importing MIDI files that contain Lyrics.? Why not say what app that was for comparative purposes.? Maybe thereā€™s some tips to be learned for SB devs, you never knowā€¦

Another thought - maybe there is a 3rd party app that ā€˜extractsā€™ lyrics embedded in MIDI files and collects these as text in a container/text editor type area, ready for bulk copy/paste purposesā€¦

Maybe, the new score editor in C14 could be adapted to perform this function as an import MIDI file option; then make use of copy/paste via its existing lyric input mechanism, to ease actually getting the lyrics added.

Sorry, I am new in Cubase. Reaper was my favourite DAW.

Chords: Imported chords from MIDI Files do not show in the chord track in my Cubase 14. I can find them in a separate track as ā€œchord eventsā€.
How can I bring these chord events to the chord track to be displayed?

Lyrics: I have hundreds of MIDI Files with chords and lyrics.
I would like to import them into Cubase14 and play the melody and chords myself on an arranger keyboard. Reaper DAW is able to import and display the lyrics. Lyrics has a time stamp. You could link it to the melody track and bind it to the neares note event. Look at the software ā€œnotation composerā€ they can do it as well. Cubase Pro (>500 Euro) can not?

I like Cubase 14 very much with the Dorico Score Editor. But it could be much better for me.

Is it you and Reaper that is creating/has created these MIDI files with the ā€˜time-stampedā€™ lyric content.? Or are they just ā€˜standardā€™ files freely available to anyone (and they always have lyrics ā€˜time-stampedā€™).?

ā€˜Notation Composerā€™ seems a very comprehensive software for this exact purpose (handling MIDI/lyric files to score) and more.

But, well if you need it, you have to pay for the luxury ($198 plus tax), etcā€¦ Cubase too gives many features besides importing MIDI files of courseā€¦ Crossgrade from Reaper Commercial licence to Cubase Pro 14, currently Ā£298 (inc tax).

(PS:- Sorry for all the questions; my knowledge is low about these things)

Create a Chord Track if there isnā€™t one yet. You should then be able to drag that entire ā€œchord eventsā€ track into the chord track.

Weā€™re looking at importing those lyrics in a future update.


Thats what I did.
But it is not possible, or I am doing somethin wrong.
It seem that only note events are accepted to create chord events in the chord track.
I tried to drag the part from the MIDI event track and drop it to the chord track. Is that the way to merge two tracks?

In Cubase 14.0.10, Lyrics are now imported from MIDI files. There are also two different ways of pasting lyrics from the clipboard. See here: Sheet Music Editor ā€“ Lyrics - #3 by PaulWalmsley

Thanx a lot.
I hope, you will find a solution for the CHORD EVENTS in the imported ā€œCHORDSā€ track too, to drag them into the chord track.
