Also if I can suggest, the Streamworks Audio course on Cubase is excellent. They have 2 versions: one on getting up to speed on version 9, and a second one with new material related to 9.5. I strongly recommend the videos about version 9 as 1) Its 5 or 6 hours of tuition and they are 100 percent applicable and really do a good job of taking you “from zero to hero” and 2) one purchase option is to rent it for a week (via streaming) for only 9.99 - an incredible value IMO.
Mark Hunnicutt presents the material. He does a lot of Cubase’s QuickTip videos for Steinberg.
honestly, I am regretting the purchase as well. After spending the last 2 days trying to figure out how to simply nudge midi data by a few ticks, I have given up and moved back to pro tools where it is a simple function based on the + / - keys.
It just seems like such a basic task, and nowhere on google or in the steinberg help docs can i find anything to solve this issue. I’ve tried to submit a topic in this forum multiple times and the moderator refuses to allow my post to be published. WTF?
From what i can find there seems to be a connection between the quatize pop up window and the “move” buttons at the top but changing the quantize values makes no difference in the movement values.
Also, if you go to google and type in “nudge notes in Cubase”, half a dozen answers pop up.
The combination of easily frustrated + easily defeated does note bode well for making a major switch to ANY other DAW. It isn’t easy and will take time especially if you are highly skilled in another piece of software.
Relax a bit, take a deep breath, and take advantage of some of the online tutorials. I mentioned streamworks Audio earlier, but groove3 and macprovideo have some too. These are especially helpful if you are in a hurry as they offer a concise, structured introduction to the software that can help you make sense of it much more quickly than blindly pushing through or trying to make sense of disparate YouTube videos.
It’s an investment of a few hours upfront, and you may end up covering some stuff you do in fact already know, but you will ultimately save yourself time and frustration. Good luck!
I found dongles annoying for many years but have come around to actually preferring them.
Like a lot of folks, I’ve had my fair share of install / authorization hassles with online or hard disk copy protection. While no system is completely bulletproof, I’ve had far fewer hassles with the dongles beyond initial setup, e.g. iLok licenses. Once they’re configured I plug them in and they just work.
I currently have dongles for Cubase, Waves and iLok, and have a couple of different workstations that I use. As mentioned by others, I bought a small 4 port usb hub with a six inch cable. That lets me unplug one thing to carry to another room. It also prevents wear and tear on cheap plastic dongles since the usb hub cable takes the hit, not the dongles.
I still have some licenses that are online, hard disk, etc. and I cross my fingers every time I have to deal with them. I’d love to have 100% of my license on dongles. Never thought I’d hear myself say that, but it’s been the most stable experience of them all.
Good answer!
One should dive into new product or any tool, expecting a learning curve. Then when you do better than planned, it’s a gift. Good luck, hang in there.
I understand the frustration of not being able to do simple tasks, as johntunes says. I was a protooler for a long time, and I really miss a lot of things that I used to do with PT, and, what irritates me a lot, is when I can’t find a good alternative for basic tasks in Cubase like positioning the cursor where I want. Clicking in an empty space but not within a track itself is something I don’t understand. I know there’s someone who already found a way to do this via Autohotkey, but I can figure this thing out. Anyway, I am gradually getting the hang of Cubase with workarounds, until I find a better way to fully take advantage of this music software. No, I don’t regret the purchase.
I’m new to DAW’s in general, and while Cubase has learning curve, so does anything that can do complicated things! (It has taken me years to get my head around Adobe’s Photoshop, InDesign and LIghtroom.)
That said, I am running Cubase elements in a small home studio, and don’t have a dongle - I just downloaded the e-license controller. I believe that the dongle is only required if you want to access Cubase on more than one computer.
I do have Cubase 9.5, but my Windows 7 refuses to open it. I’m aware of the Windows update thing, but I decided to wait for my Windows 10 order to come, and do a clean install in my computer. Anyway, thanks for your help. I sure will try that.