Just bought Cubase 13. Tried the timeWarp tool but no yellow flags were shown as the did in Cubase 12. Can this be a bug? How can I report this issue to Steinberg?
Did the Warp work? Could you time stretch the signal?
Yes I could but the yellow markers don’t appear. Do you get those markers in Cubase 13?
Hi Martin,
Thanks for your respons and the screenshot. I didn’t mean an audioWarp but a Time Warp. See my screenshot. I added the tempotrack and I can see that it works only the yellow markers don’t show anymore like in Cubase 12…
I also added a screenshot with the working markers in Cubase 12.
Sorry, I always mess up these two.
Now I can see it and I can reproduce it.
This is going to be fixed in the 1st maintenance update.
Thanks, that would be great! Do you have any idea when the update comes?
Sorry, I don’t.
Do you work for Steinberg? If you don’t maybe I better mail them to inform them about the bug…
It’s not necessary to make a bug report. It is already fixed in a newer (non-public) build.
okay, that’s good to know, thank you
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Arrow keys don’t transpose midi notes