No sound after reinstall

I’m very sorry to bother the community.
Unfortunately I had to reinstall windows on my notebook and now I get no sound from Dorico (Halion and Noteperformer). All other audio applications are running normally.
I’ve attached the Dignostics.
Thank you for your help.
Dorico (700.2 KB)

You have HALion Sonic 7 installed. Could it be that you have the same issue as in this thread?

Still no sound.

Can you say a bit more about which troubleshooting steps you’ve taken to try to solve the problem?

I had to re-install windows 11.
Then I’ve installed and unistalled Dorico a few times.
I’ve fixed the ASIO driver which wasn’t installed correctly the first time.
I don’t know what else I could do.
All other audio applications run smoothly.
Thank you

Uninstalling and reinstalling Dorico won’t do anything to restore the sound on your computer, I’m afraid. Even if you do it a few times!

The problem will almost certainly be in the configuration of the ASIO driver in Dorico’s Device Setup dialog and how that relates to the settings you have in your Windows audio settings.

Have you considered downloading and installing the FlexASIO driver and trying that rather than the Generic Low-Latency ASIO Driver?

Hi @stefanorabaglia , the diagnostics you attached to your first posting contain one dump file which shows the audio engine hanging due to the known MediaBayServer issue. Have you followed the advice from Joerg in the linked thread from my first reply?
Other than that I see nothing unusual in the diagnostics and I would expect that sound would come out with your system.
So please do the following: Create a new project from piano template, enter a couple of arbitrary notes and check in the Dorico mixer window (F3) if there is any metering indication when you start the playback, especially have a look at the master output channel. Then please create another diagnostics report and attach here. Thanks

Dear Ulf,
I’ve created the new project. No metering indication in the mixer.
The Diagnostics is here attached.
Dorico (704.0 KB)

Thanks for the data, but still I don’t see why it would not work with you.
Could we have a remote screen sharing session? If that is okay with you, please send a private message and we’ll arrange for the details.

Click on the picture/avatar in Ulf’s message. That should show you a panel with a MESSAGE button to allow you to communicate with Ulf privately to set up a screen-sharing session. The return message will light up your avatar in the upper right corner of your forum screen.

Problem solved. Don’t know exactly what the issue was, but after fiddling with the Windows settings and sampling rate suddenly sound came out.

Dorico support is impeccable as always.
Ulf is fantastic. Bravo!

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