I was getting no sound when I opened Dorico Elements 5 after a time away from the app on Mac. I followed instructions to trach the VST audio file and restart Dorico. The tutorial video said it would take a while to rebuild the audio file when I re-launched Dorico. I also updated Halion Sonic.
Now when I try to launch Dorico, the error message says "Dorico cannot connect to the audio engine, and a Mac Finder window opens, as if I’m supposed to link to a file (Screenshot attached.). I’m stumped.
Thank you for the reply. Diagnostic zip file is attached.
Is it possible that my best course of action would be to completely uninstall Dorico and do a clean install? If that seems correct, could you provide step-by-step guidance about that process? I would be concerned about all of the many cryptic files that have been created by Dorico up to now. Would they need toilet paper be trashed individually, or would a clean install take care of that?
For your information: I have owned Dorico Elements for several years, but in the rush to complete projects, I keep falling back to Sibelius because ‘m familiar with the interface. I prefer Dorico’s interface, but I haven’t yet become familiar with all of its ins and outs. I was excited to reopen it, but then I ran into the error message described in my original post.
Assistance will be much appreciated so I can move forward.
Larry, sorry to have taken a few days to return to this thread.
It’s very odd: the logs show that the most recent run of the audio engine started and stopped successfully, but every subsequent run of Dorico was unable to connect to the audio engine. It suggests that perhaps the audio engine was hanging very late in its shutdown procedure.
Have you rebooted your computer since you ran into this problem? Are you still encountering the same symptoms?
Thanks very much for the reply. Yes, I retstarted my computer and I’m getting the same error message when I try to launch Dorico ("Dorico cannot connect to the audio engine. The application will now quit”).
If there are no obvious solutions, would it make sense to uninstall and re-download the app? If so, could you send me some step-by-step guidance on that process?
Frustrated! I know I must have done something wrong, just when I have some time on my hands and was intending to get comfortable with Dorico so I could leave Sibelius behind.
Sorry to hear that, Larry. Can you upload the latest set of diagnostics? When Dorico quits, it should leave a new Dorico Diagnostics.zip file on your desktop. Please attach that here.
Hi @UpstateComposer , your trouble started on Jan 18th around 8 o’clock. From that time onward Dorico could not connect to the audio engine any more, thus you have no playback any more.
First thing to check is in the Activity Monitor. In the list of processes, is there any process that starts with VST? If so, kill that off by any means.
Then go to the Applications folder and try to just run the Dorico Audio Engine. In order to do that, do a right click on the Dorico5.app and choose ‘Show package content’, and navigate further down towards Contents/Applications where you find the VSTAudioEngine.app. Now do a double click on that one , does some small splash screen appear of the audio engine? If so , how long does it stay? And if the splash screen is gone and you look at the Activity Monitor again, can you still find a VSTAudioEngine process in the list? If so, then kill that process and if gone, try to launch Dorico again. Try to load a project and see if it plays back.
If it does not play back, provide a new diagnostic report, please. Thanks
Quick follow up: Turned out to be that - for whatever reason - the audio engine executable was missing from Larry’s Dorico bundle. We reinstalled that and everything is fine now.
Now that Ulf so expertly helped me to get Dorico up and running again, I have an additional (minor) problem. A Steinberg tutorial video helped me to select “Built-in Audio” as the ASIO Driver. So I now have sound!
However, audio is not being routed to my earbuds, but only through my Macbook speakers. In the output dropdown menu in Device Setup, the only option is Built-in Audio 1, Built-in Audio 2. My earbuds are not showing up, even though they are now the selected output audio device on my Mac. Is there a fix for this? I’m in a quiet household and prefer to work in Dorico with earbuds, not speakers.
Sorry to be the boy who cried wolf. I fixed it. Changed ASIO Driver from Built-in Audio to the earbuds. This was contrary to advice in a Steinberg video tutorial, but all is OK now.